Feeding; kissing or something else!!

Ash cooks the fish and other things. Rose remembered Ash said that he didn't know how to

cook. Then how can he cook all this? rose wrote

"didn't you say that you can't cook?"

"yes I can't but that doesn't mean I never saw anyone cooking. I used to see mom cook and I

learned from there. but it's my first time cooking it"

Rose was amazed to see him cook so well for the first time. There is nothing cuter than to see a

man cook for a girl. she was happy.

"let's eat"

Rose went to set a table. She insisted that she do it as ash do all the work today. After setting

table ash and rose, sit there and start eating. Rose was eating everything except fish. ash asked

"Why are you not eating fish?? i clean it very well also it doesn't have any smell. "

but Rose shook her head as no. She doesn't like to eat fish. ash cut a piece and then put the

spoon near the rose mouth

"Open your mouth. I will be sad if you don't eat all the item I cook"