
Life can change only in a moment. we have to grasp that moment. everyone says to enjoy every

moment of your life but is it truly possible?

There rose was fighting for justice but on the other side, our ash was fighting for his life. how

can they both enjoy their moment right now?

~on ash side~

doctor "he is improving. but it will take time. we can't say if he will ever wake up. He is giving a

response but he isn't opening his eyes. also her motor nerve will become weak if he remains

like that."

the nurse said"that young lady who came to him is so sad. Every day she cries and begged him

to wake up. but it looks like he is waiting for something. "

doctor "yes"

Both went out from Ash's cabin. the security checks their id and lets them out.

there is 3 securities in front of ash's cabin and no one is allowed to go inside except - rose; Roy;

Levi and 2 doctors and one nurse. but today 3 of them are out. so they have a relaxing duty. when