Never been born

It was near dawn. Roy was still standing in the same place, and Bella was crying on the floor. Soon a phone call came. It broke them out of their inner thoughts. Roy looked at the phone and saw Xavier was calling. He cleared his voice and received it. Xavier said, "Boss, everything is ready." Roy nodded. He looked at Bella. She was sitting there lifeless. He was worried about her. Therefore, he told Xavier to find two house cleaners to look after her. Xavier said he would send them in twenty minutes. Toy cut the call. He went near Bell and sat down. Bella did not look at him. She was sitting in the same position for almost five hours. Roy said, “I have to leave. We need to" he could not say more. He gave no strength to tell her that he had to bury his only brother. He could not tell her that he had to bury her lover. Bella did not look nor replied.