
Rose was unconscious for almost an hour. She slowly opened her eyes and adjusted to the dark surroundings. She could tell that it was not night time. She was thinking about who kidnapped her. She gave a pitiful smile. How could she get kidnapped four times in three months? Although the first two times, she didn't say much as she was desperate to leave the asylum. But the last two times they forcefully kidnapped her. She was wondering if it was John who kidnapped her. But she didn't think so. As it won't benefit John in any way. Rose thought about Mrs. Khan. There was a high chance she might have kidnapped her. Rose was thinking all those when she heard a sound. She heard the sound of heels approaching her. She looked at the sound. It was dark inside the room. So she could not see her face. But she knew who she was just by hearing the voice.

Alina said, "Hello, look, who we have here."