I love you

The doctor came and checked her. He said, "She is fine. We will observe her for a day. Then she can leave." Rose saw that Ash smiled. She loved his smile. Although she did not see him smile often, whenever he smiled her, heart skipped a beat. She was looking at him and moved her hand. Ash came to her. He asked, "What is it?" Rose tried to talk but coughed. Ash gently pulled her and made her sit. Then he urged her to drink water. She drank the water.

Rose said, "What happened to Alina? Is she alive?"

"No," Ash said.

Rose nodded. Rose wanted to ask more when she saw Ash was watching her. Rose asked, "What are you looking at?"



"Yes, why. Why did you save me? The bullet could kill you if it moved to the left. You would have died." Ash asked

"I don't care if I die," Rose said.

Ash's eyes got big. He said, "What do you mean?"