Cute couple

Ash came to the hospital. Rose was getting discharged today. She saw ash and hugged him.

Ash patted her back. Rose said, "John came today."

"I heard it. My bodyguards told me about it."

"You are not angry?" Rose asked. She was curious.

"I am but he was your dad. I cannot stop him from meeting you. Also, I wanted to know if you can find something."

"No. He didn't slip anything." Then Rose thinks about John patting her head. She said, "Ash, oat my head."

Ash gave a look saying that are you sick. But he did pat her head.

“It felt different," Rose said.

"What felt different?"

"You see, John, patted my head. I felt kind of weird."

"You can feel it. After all, he was your father."

Rose nodded. She said, "I already planned to ask for her help. There is no other way."

Ash understood that Rose wanted to ask for her friend's help. He was sure yesterday it was her friend who tipped about Rose's whereabouts.

"I will call her and ask for it."