Road to happiness

Everything was beautiful. From the chandelier to the flower on the table everything was perfect. But that was not important. The important thing was the people there. They all are smiling. They are happy to see this day. The day of Rose and Ash's wedding. Yes, they were again taking vows on their third wedding anniversary.

People were finding their table and talking with others. But everyone was looking forward to the wedding. They were waiting to see the star-crossed lover take their vow for eternal love.

~On the other side~

"I might vomit," Rose said.

"Sister, take a deep breath," Bella said.

"Just relax, will you? It's not like you are getting married. The man on the altar was already your husband." Julia said.

"Don't talk to me. I remember how you betrayed me that day." Rose said.

"What day? O, you mean the day your husband confesses. But aren't you supposed to thank me?" Julia asked in a mocking tone.

"Trust me, I want to punch you," Rose said.