Chapter 9

"Babe come on".Eli took Lucas hand and led him down the stairs.

"Seriously where are we going?".

Eli had woken up Lucas and told him to go shower.Eli had got up in the middle of the night packing their weekend bags.

When they got outside one of the men brought the car around and put all bags in.Lucas mouth dropped at the car,it wasn't the same car Eli always drove.

It was a black car with Aqua green.It was a cool car and looks more expensive.

"In".Eli said

Lucas sighed and went in the car.Eli close the door and went to his side of the car.

"What happened to your other car?".

"They fired at us at Walmart remember?".

"Oh yea".Lucas said

He didn't know they fired at the car but silently thanked the lord Eli was okay.

Eli started the car and waited until the gate automatically opened before speeding onto the road.

Lucas fell asleep on the way and Eli let him sleep since they left out at six in morning.When they reached the private jet Eli didn't bother waking him up.He carried the boy to the jet and let him sleep on his chest.

Lucas buried his face into Eli chest to breathe in more of his scent.His eyes were still close but he was awake.Eli ran his hand through Lucas hair.Lucas smile and look up at the man but Eli's eyes were close.lucas remembered when he fell asleep he was in the car,he turn his head and gasp.

"Holy shit!".

"Language".Eli mumbled eyes still close.

Lucas look back at Eli then at the clouds through the window of the jet.

I'm in a jet,it's in the air how did I get in here?

"Where are we going?".Lucas whispered to Eli.

"We're going to visit my grandparents".

"Are you serious?you didn't tell me what if they don't like me,is it Mexico-".

"Yes it's Mexico and they will love you".Lucas turn and smile at Saint.

When did he get here?I'm a heavy sleeper

Lucas thought.What he did know is that this was illegal but he's with Eli.

"Go back to sleep".Lucas rested his head on Eli's chest closing his eyes and going back to sleep.

When they arrived there was a car waiting for them.Lucas was asleep again so Eli put him in the back and Saint sat with Eli at the front and they were off to their grandparents house.

Eli haven't been to Mexico in a year he and Saint use to come every Christmas but things got serious back here.Eli and the mafia boss here had an "disagreement".They were close once but now they want to kill each other.So their grandparents said its best if they visit them instead of them coming here but Eli doesn't take talk from anyone .Now they are half and hour away from where he use to live.

Lucas woke up ten minutes before they arrived and talked with Saint.They talked about shameless and Saint told Lucas about his secret crush on Mickey which made Eli rolled his eyes.

When they stopped in front of the gate Lucas got nervous .He was about to meet Eli's family,why wouldn't he be nervous.The gate open automatically and they drove in.Two men came out of the huge house and took their bags.Eli took Lucas' hand to lead him up to the door but the boy wrap his arms around Eli instead.

"You don't have to be afraid love it's okay".

Lucas didn't replied though just took a deep breath and held Eli's hand .They walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.A maid answered and greeted them in Spanish before leading them into the house.

Lucas watched with a smile on his face as the two elderly greet Eli and Saint talking in Spanish.Lucas knew it was Spanish because.....well he wasn't dumb,he could tell the languages differently.Lucas was pulled into a hug all of a sudden by the two.When he was able to breathe again the woman was pinching his cheeks and the man messing up his curls.Talking in Spanish Lucas just smile and look over at Eli.

"He's from America guys".

"Oh sorry I didn't know it's nice to meet our grandson in law.I am Zola and this is Pablos but you can call us mama and papa".The woman smile pinching lucas'cheeks again.

Lucas could hardly understood her because of her thick accent.

"Okay,it's nice to meet you too".

Zola gasp "he's so polite and doesn't have a rough voice like the two of you. I love him he's like a child come on all of you you've had a long day let's go eat".

Zola and Pablos took Lucas' hand and led him into the dinning room leaving Eli and Saint.They look at each other before shaking their heads before following.

The grandparents sat Lucas down and crowded his area with food.Lucas smile at both of them.

"Thank you um...".

"Mama and papa".Zola said her eyes filled with hope.

"Mama and papa".Lucas said slowly loving how it sounded.Lucas had just met the two and they were the closest thing he had to a mother and a real father.They don't even know his name and they accept him as a member of their family.

Seconds later Eli and Saint came into the dinning room as they were about to sit their grandmother said something in Spanish.Saint lift his shirt up and pulled out his gun.Lucas look at him confuse he didn't know Saint carried a gun.Zola looked at Eli who rolled his eyes and pulled out two guns,one from his back and front.They put them on the small table and joined them.They held hands and prayed before they started eaten.Lucas was mentally moaning at how good the meals tasted.

"Elijah,how did you meet..oh my we still don't know your name sweetheart".

"It's Lucas,Lucas Matthews ".Lucas replied and Zola turn to Eli.

"He's a keeper".Pablos pointed with his fork.

"I know...I took him from his father".Eli said making Pablos and Zola gasp.

"What?One of your rules at this table is no lying I wasn't going to lie.I made a deal with his dad and I got him for a trade and I'm glad I did".

"Awwww when's the wedding?".Zola ask and everyone looked at Eli.

"I uh,he's my fiancé by force I don't think we're getting married......not yet".

Lucas kept his head down,picking at the fruits on his plate.He didn't want to look at anyone for once he didn't know if he loves Eli but he knew the man loved him and now he's met his family and have lived with him since summer .

"Well you told us you love him so hurry up and do a proper proposal".

"Now honey,don't rush Elijah,he'll do it when he's ready".Pablos said taking Zola's hand.

Eli look over at Lucas and saw his head down.He wondered what the boy was thinking about.

After dinner Eli took Lucas on a tour around the house.Now they were in Eli's bed room on the balcony.

"How did your parents died?".Lucas ask,he silently pleaded that the man didn't get too angry with him or upset.

"Car crash".Eli said simply.

"Oh....I thought it was-".

"A lot of people didn't like my dad and wanted him dead,they sent a man after him.My parents car was hit by a gas truck and the man who was driving set off a bomb blowing up both vehicles ".

"So your dad was- ".

"The mafia Boss.I took over from him but he wasn't as good as me".Eli smirk.

Now Lucas was confuse.

"Who was the one that made a deal with my dad?!."Lucas ask

"I did my dad had nothing to do with it but your father thought it was him".

"Oh,I'm sorry about your parents,you must really miss them".

"Sometimes".Eli shrug.

"Let's get ready for bed were visiting some people tomorrow".Eli got up and Lucas followed him into the bathroom.

"People like who?".

"People I don't like and wanted me gone.....people like the bitch here".Eli said taking off his shirt.

"You mean the boss here?".

"Same difference".Eli said stripping Lucas down to his boxers since they couldn't sleep naked.

"I don't think you can come to the man's country and threaten him he's the boss of Mexico".

Eli turned and look Lucas in the eyes smirking.

"I'm the boss of the world".