Doomed Love - Part 1

Monsoon season was upon us and the warm beach excitedly embrace the change. The sky was stormy grey, restless winds rushing making the tall palm trees dancing merrily and tides were continuous crash upon one wave after another. Feminine giggles and manly chuckles were echoing on the vacated beach.

'Rosa! Wait up. You running towards the sea and at the moment the weather is bad.' Shouted the chuckling man as he chased after the giggling with long auburn hair.

'Come on! Don't be such a party pooper, Pierce.' Rosa replied him breathlessly as she kept running away from Pierce and she is loving every moment of it.

'Damn! Rosa! Come back.' Pierce called her out again and again but Rosa laughing merrily and kept the chase going on. Her white sleeveless top and knee-length skirt began to disappear from his sight.

'Catch me if you can.' With that Rosa took off and made her to the sea. But Pierce picked his pace and managed to catch Rosa and hugged her tightly.

'Alright! You caught me. Now let me go.' Rosa said to Pierce but her giggles were getting louder as Pierce started tickling around her waist.

They wrestled for a while and both of them tumbled down on the beach sand. Pierce lifted and rolled both of them and placed Rosa on top of him. She smiled shyly at him, and looked at lovingly with her coffee brown eyes. Leaning closer, Rosa brushed her soft pink against his, Pierce hooked a single stray of her auburn hair around his finger and kiss Rosa deeply.

Rosa was madly in love with her high school boyfriend Pierce who loved her back passionately. The moment they laid their eyes on each other in the crowded cafeteria, the deal was sealed and from their budding romance started to fully blossom. Rosa and Pierce became golden couple, and their popularity showed no bounds. Although it was very early for them to plan their future yet they were determined to spend their every waking moment with each other. Finally settled together in a happy long-lasting marriage.

It was already proven that Pierce love for his girlfriend is fierce and his loyalty towards her unwavering. Yet Rosa struggled remaining to Pierce, not that she didn't love him and never dared to cheat on him with any other man. But this left her into crumble, and her libido for the opposite sex were developing and all consuming. She felt shameful at her newfound reaction and was afraid to share it for she feared losing Pierce forever.

After few agonising days, Rosa finally found a solution which made all guilt vanished and heart was at peace. Just few days remaining for the school classes to be over and start of summer vacation getting closer, Rosa asked Pierce to meet her somewhere in private.

The school for that day was over and Rosa patiently waited for Pierce to arrive at the main gate. Few seconds, Pierce emerged and she was liked what she was looking at. Standing over six feet tall carrying energetic muscular body, with athletic built and the signature shaggy blond hair gleaming under the bright sun. Her body began to tingling at the sight of his arrival and she desperately wanted to jump and wrap her body around strong one.

'Hey beautiful! How was your day?' Pierce asked her, after greeted her with small lingering peck on her lips.

'It was good but I missed you terribly.' Rosa answered in her angelic voice and blushed at her confession which Pierce found very sweet and appealing.

Chuckling deeply, Pierce hugged her tightly and took her bag including the books from her towards his car. Climbing in, Pierce started the car and asked her where she wants to go to that she answered a close by diner place. She happens to be starving crazily and badly craving for a fat juicy burger with it some salty fries.

Once they filled their empty stomach, Rosa bit her lips nervously and was continuously squirming in her chair. Placing his hand on her shaking one, Pierce looked at her with concern and gave her the chance to speak.

'Pierce, I was meaning to ask you something but it is okay if you say no to it.' Rosa murmured tensely and looked at him through her thick eyelashes.

'Sweets, ask me anything and I can assure you that there is nothing to which I will deny. Well, you see it is hard to say no to you.' He spoke to in assuring tone causing Rosa's tension to leave her body instantly.

'We have been together for three years now and already planned to go for the same college then settled together. I feel I am ready to take next step in our relationship.' In the beginning of the sentence, Rosa voice was wavering due to uncertainty but at the end, she finished it confidently.

'What do you mean by the "next step", Rosa?' Pierce questioned her carefully, for he feared to be disrespectful towards the love of his life.

'I am ready to give myself to you. I love you, Pierce and want to have my first time with you.' Rosa informed him, taking his hands into hers and imploring with her huge coffee brown eyes.

Pierce began to sway under her hypnotic eyes and couldn't resist the pull she has over him. Also, the thought of being hers first made him thrilled and proud. For his feelings towards her is genuine and doesn't want other men touching what rightfully belongs to him. Puzzling over his sudden feelings of jealousy and possessiveness, Pierce suppress it for he doesn't want to alarm Rosa and also, he first has to figure these new developed feelings before expressing it.

'Damn! You are so sweet and beautiful, my love. I want to be your first and last, Rosa. I really do love you and want to spend my whole life by your side.' Pierce answered her back earnestly and kissed her again. The sensation was electrifying and they both were left breathless after sharing a lovingly intense kiss.

They chatted some more and decided to take step during the summer vacation. They could spend the whole romantic day together at the beach and finally express their love in Rosa's family vacation cabin.

Back to the present day, the sweet kiss was turning into heated passion and were intensify with flaring lust between two horny young couple. Rosa lifted herself into sitting position and straddle Pierce with her innocence touching his harden one. Moving her hips seductively, sexual tension began to build up and Pierce ripped Rosa's white top exposing her harden rosebud and ready to be taken in his mouth.

The rush of excitement grew within Rosa, lean over Pierce to encourage him to ravish her as he please. Pierce gladly oblige, he playfully rolled his tongue over her rock-hard nipples and sucked them deeply. Moans and pleasurable gasp filled the air, Rosa lost her focus from reality and descendant into complete ecstasy. Lust driven now, Rosa tore away Pierce shirt and racked her nails over his chest and her hips movement began to rapidly move against Pierce hardness.

In matter of seconds Rosa's lust has now transcended to killer's urge and wanted to suck the life out of Pierce. Scared by this revelation, Rosa immediately ripped her body away from Pierce and create at least ten-foot distance between them. Cowering and shivering in a corner, Rosa hid her face from her boyfriend and began to cry uncontrollably.

Rosa's sudden change in attitude, has left Pierce in confusion. It is like throwing bucketful of ice-cold water over his white-hot sex drive. Not wanting to cause any more trouble, Pierce scratch his head and thought over his manner of approach towards her.

'Rosa ...' Pierce softly spoke her name out but didn't dare to take step closer to her. In case she gets frightened, launch mad attack on him and run away to farthest corner of the beach.

So, to speak, Pierce last prediction turned out to be accurate. Rosa fled from the cabin and made an escape towards the direction of her house. She kept running five miles on her foot until Rosa could she see the shape of her home. Stop at the entrance, she quickly unlocks the front door and went straight to her grandmother.

Weeping Rosa, seek her grandmother all over the house but found her sitting on the rocking chair out in the balcony facing the sea and sipping tea from the cup.

'Grandmother!' Rosa cried out, rushed to her grandmother and began sobbing on her lap. A wrinkled hand began to brush Rosa's messy auburn hair and consoling her worried her mind.

'What is troubling you, my child? Why are you crying?' Her grandmother Hazel enquired with her face contorting into worry lines over her withered face.

Though her grandmother is aged and currently beyond her prime years, she still bears the beauty and certain allure making anyone fall in love with her. Like Rosa, she too has auburn hair now streak with white and her enchanting emerald green eyes possess sparkling youth as well as years of wisdom.

Calming her nerves, Rosa explained everything to her grandmother, who in turn beheld sympathy and sadness for her sweet granddaughter. Witnessing early death of her mother, Rosa's grandmother brought her up and became second mother to her. Also, Rosa's father died shortly after his wife death, leaving her all alone but Hazel did her best to love, educate and spoil her gorgeous granddaughter. Which paid off, for she turned out to be intelligent, down to earth and very caring person anyone can asked for in their life.