Unbridled Lust - Part 2

It is a common fact that predator lurks during moonless night and eagerly hunt to satisfy hunger. Sebastian is stalking sexy succubus since he saw dancing off on the pole and satisfied moaning of horny girls. First time when he saw her, could smell her being the pure one. All he wants to pin her soft curvaceous body underneath him and penetrate her virgin cunt. Her blood was sweet like honey with the tint of citrus smell, she is his new favourite brand of perfume.

In the misted shower, Pagan turned to her original form and finger combed through her brunette hair. One of perks of being succubus is that she can shape shift herself into any desired bodily form. Blonde stripper is very much fantasy of people, the more demand of her the more life energy for her to suck on.

A cold hand touches her bare shoulder, sending deep shivers till her toes. Sebastian shut off Pagan scream with his hand, piercing her smooth white skin on her neck with his sharp fangs.

Sebastian mind was assault with Pagan's memories which so clear as if he is leaving that moment with compare to the blurry images of his other victims. He can feel all range of emotions especially her lustful ones.

Feeling giddy with blood drain and arousal, Pagan looked deep into her predator golden eyes with long brown hair evenly spread on his broad shoulder.

'Hi gorgeous!' He said in thick Romanian accent which surprised Pagan for she found his foreign accent incredibly stimulating.

'What the hell are you doing here? Who the fuck are you?' she screamed with all her strength. Though the dizziness soon took over due to the blood sucking session with this moronic vampire although a delicious looking vampire.

'Shh! You are now mine to take and I am yours.' He stared deep into her bright blue eyes and hypnotizing to bend her to his will and wishes.

Pagan lean further into him, sliding her wet body against him by pushing him towards the bathroom wall. She smiled seductively but something about her eyes made Sebastian uncomfortable.

In the moment of lust and surety of his vampire powers, he bends her down while admiring her round firm bottom. He shoves his long hard rod, penetrating all his inches inside and pumping her remorselessly. He gripped her soft bosom and moan delightfully as her walls tighten around his thick cock. Slowly he felt his gripped loosing on her body and when he came hard inside her womb, he sensed her moans of pleasure getting low and distant. He collapsed and fainted in her bathroom floor. Smirking impishly, Pagan bend down and kissed his soft but pale lips.

'Sorry vampire but you should have known better then to jump on a succubus.' Pagan spoke to Sebastian conceitedly and flipped her luscious hair as she walked off the room with towel wrapped around sated body.

The groggily vampire woke up from his deep sleep, Sebastian glances his surrounding and found himself in a brown coloured sofa. Admittedly a poor quality which begs the question of his contend sleep. Standing at the entrance, was he beautiful seductress who stalked her all night was now holding steaming cup of tea.

'So, you can't handle a fuck huh?' Pagan asked him smugly, silently laughing at his blank facial expression.

'Um, where am I?' The pissed vampire retorted for he is not enjoying this very moment of his weakness.

'Don't give me that crap vampire and what are you doing here?' Pagan demanded irritably as Sebastian kept dodging her main question.

'You know I'm a vampire but how?' Vampire queried her curiously while he tries to find a way to escape out of Pagan's home. Something about Pagan and her house is confusing him. Why he is not flashing out from this forsaken place? He is a fucking powerful vampire after all.

'You tried to hypnotize and drank my blood. Does it ring any bells?' Sarcastically asked Pagan as she folded her arms tightly acting that it is huge wall barrier between her & the smirking vampire.

'No love. You must be mistaken. There is no such thing as a vampire or ghost or whatever you are going about.' Vampire ridiculed at her attempt to make him admit the truth about his identity.

'That's it. Talk or I blow up your brains with this silver bullet.' Now completely murderous with the look of an on the warpath painted over Pagan delicate face, Sebastian became wary of her.

Pagan being true to her words drew a gun kept attached to her thighs in her mid-length night gown and aimed at his head. Vampire drew up his hand and leap up from the sofa. Started talking in rapidly but in a calm manner as not to anger Pagan more than she is now.

'Alright! I will now speak up. My name is Alexander Woods and yes, it is true I am a vampire.' Sebastian accepted Pagan's declaration and was frozen in his place.

'What is your true name?' Grinding her teeth, Pagan repeated the question for she is no mood for stupid games.

'I just said it.' Sebastian panicked, he began to feel more curious about Pagan and obviously fearing her.

'No, you speak with thick Romanian accent so tell me the truth or else die.' Pagan ordered the guilty vampire

'Okay! My given name is Constantin Andrei Lupei.' The vampire gave in and told her the truth.

'Lupei? It means wolf and if you are vampire why your name is associated with the wolf?' Pagan quizzed Constantin further now being generally interested about this fetching vampire

'I am a hybrid and prince of Romania.' Constantin announced the hidden fact proudly yet also grimly.

'Geez! If you are a hybrid then you shouldn't have faint unless you are my mate. It can't be possible as I belong to other species.' Pagan now fuelled with the new knowledge began launching information on him.

'Whoa love! Will you stop rampaging me with trillion bizarre details and explain this clearly to me?' Constantin said soothingly to now aggravated Pagan.

She snarled at him and withdraw her weapon again. This time Constantin had sense to keep quiet and back away from her.

'I am a succubi. This is the actual reason you fainted although being a hybrid means twice the strength. How much blood have you drank from me?'

'Well, I can say that enough to make you dizzy. I don't know....it just when I saw you first my whole body felt like it was on fire and wanted to mark you as mine. For the fact I knew you were not human or related to my species. Now that I know you are a succubi well this change a lot now.' Constantin rambled on, leaving Pagan disarray.

'Wait a sec! Are you saying that I'm not good enough for you now that I am a succubi.' Pagan challenged him and strongly desire stake his cowardly heart.

'No wait. Hold on to your horses for a minute. I am saying that we are two different species and yet fate have brought us together. We are mates and I never felt this amazing before. Believe me that never dreamt of having a mate and especially such a sexy and tempting woman. I am glad our path has crossed.' Constantin locked his golden eyes to her brilliant blue ones and implored her to accept this truth.

'I don't believe in this shit. Also, I wouldn't tie myself to anyone just yet.' Thrilled with his admittance, but Pagan old wounds began to unveiled and her defence mode is in full mode now.

'Why not? We perfect for each other.'

'No! Now get out before I fill your brain with the bullets. Also, don't tempt me.'

Pagan left the room to warm up her tea in the kitchen. Constantin knew this was his cue to leave with one last glance, he left her house to find other ways to trap this mysterious but incredible loving succubi under his body. Soon Pagan will be his forever.

Pagan finally found her true mate, a very cheeky but enchanted hybrid. No longer virgin which Constantin made sure of it. Pagan's heart yearns for him and badly needed his body over hers. Shaking her head over a ridiculous delusion, Pagan booked the airfare ticket and decided to maintain good distance between her and Constantin.

Will fate bend her will to Pagan's or Constantin's or have devious plan of her own?