Storyteller's Enticing Antagonist - Part 3

To my surprise, he laughed like a maniac. Though very delicious looking maniac and more than anything just wanting to wrap my legs around his muscular waist. Suddenly his eyes became darker with sexual desire and licked his thirsty lips while he silently kept memorizing my face. This dude has serious mood whiplash. Suddenly out of nowhere, he presents me with a silver dagger and pushes towards my direction. First, I thought he would stab, then I was stupefied when he hands the dagger with a hilt facing towards me.

'What do you want me to do with it?' I asked him dubiously.

'Slit your palm, lassie.' He informed me with an eye roll. Like a person, everyday slit her palm by the request of a stranger not to mention raving lunatic.

'Nope. Thank you for the weapon. If you take one more step closer to me, believe me, that I won't hesitate to stab you to death. Now get lost.'

After my threatening words to him, I ran away as far as my two legs could take me. The Scottish charmer flashed himself before me, without any warning snatch the dagger and slice my palm. That pain was excruciating and the ground was soaked with my blood. I was about to shout at him when I noticed his hand was bleeding too and bear the same slashed mark as mine. Maybe I am hallucinating due to blood loss. Given the circumstances, after running and bleeding, this might be a valid reason.

'Now do you believe me or want me to cut you more? I am very tempted to do so without hesitation.' He glared at me with those ice chips silver blue eyes.

'This can't be happening. I always wonder but happening such thing so late which makes wonder or not. I don't know or should I accept it.' I kept murmuring to myself about the possibilities.

'Will quit feeling sorry for yourself and open the damn book immediately, lassie.' He orders me by wearing the most boring expression on his perfectly chiselled face. One thing about me you ought to know that I am a very impatient and angry woman. I will do what a villain says but not what heroes do. Yes, I am frustrating that way. I opened the book swiftly, as I placed my hand on a blank page and then everything went black. My brain felt overloaded, my body felt like it had been chopped into 1000 pieces and sewn back hastily without slight sympathy. Worst of all my surroundings were distorted like I was looking into a weird mirror.

'Calm down, wee lamb. This is your first time. Don't get your knickers twisted.' The same baritone voice spoke from behind adding a drop of mystery to an unknown announcer.

I turned to look at him. He was standing relaxed by leaning towards a tree. His stance might be calm but his face as pale and tired lines bordered around his silvery-blue eyes.

'Where the hell are, we now?' I demanded. I sat down, my head was pounding and my heartbeat rate was off the chart. I muster all my energy not to puke in front of this insanely handsome douche bag.

'We are in a story. Now it is your time to give a happy ending to it.' He replied with an evil smirk lit up his face.

'I don't do ... the happy endings. Whose story is it anyway? Why are you talking like a lunatic?' I yelled at him with my hands thrown up cursing the universe again.

My fancy face enemy looks at me exasperated, he clutches his bluish-black hair, pushing them away from his face and looking intensely at me with those hypnotic eyes.

'Damn you, lassie. Don't you use your brain? How many times do I have to do the same thing?' He sneered at me, I guess this weird transportation took a heavy toll on him, same as me.

'But-' My reply was cut short as I found myself choking against a tree. Again, the damn tree. What is with him and the tree? Also, why am I always being a sandwich between them?

'You are making me very enraged. Our mission is pending because of your stupid babbling. Let's be clear you are the storyteller who needs to complete each story or else there will be mass destruction. My role is to keep you from dying and with you completing every story comes across our way.' He spoke those words irately and convinced me about our doom.

I am pretty sure my face was turning blue because of his strong choke-hold over my neck. I guess the same thought crossed his mind and ease the iron grip held over my poor neck. I coughed loudly, gasping for the air and controlling the flashes of my life in front of my eyes. I was majorly pissed off at me. So logically, I lunged on him ready to unleash my wrath on him. He anticipated my advance and with one swift move, he was top of me holding me down with bulging muscular hands.

'Eliza. Please stop fighting and accept your destiny.' He simply said not bothering to relax or calm my nerves down. I didn't reply just stare balefully at him.

'If you continuously aggravating me then I have no other option but to fuck you hard into the submission. Don't test me, lassie. You are very tempting and just my type. Brunette, curvy and those beautiful hypnotic brown eyes. Trust me you can't run away. If you do anything to spite me, I will chain you to my bed naked, spread eagle and ramp your wet pussy into oblivion. Understood?' His statement not only made me wet but scared of him.

Something about him is deadly and I don't want to cross him without an army of 1000 soldiers around me. He felt that I was getting calm, he lifted himself off me and wrapped his hand around my body taking me with him.

'Fine. I will do as you instruct me but firstly, explain who you are and your role in it.' I firmly told him.

Rather being pissed at my demand, he grinned evilly at me.

'My name is Callum Haxton. Remember that what I explained about our existence is sorely dependent on the owner's nature. To answer your question my role is to play the part of antagonist of all stories you spin, lass. Together we will complete the story.' He replied casually but his face showed the naughtiness promising me the dirty sexy missions we have to survive together. Just Mr. Fancy Face Callum and me, poor Eliza.

'Of all the miseries and punishments, I have suffered. I got an antagonist to act as my sidekick.' I lifted my hands towards the clean sky with exasperation. Yeah, I know I am doing that a lot. Also expect that more in the future because that is my kind of life story.

With all this drama, I fail to notice the sky clear and blue. It is suddenly daytime here, while minutes ago the sky was pitch black and rain pouring down heavily upon us leaving our clothes soaking and drippy.

'You called for me my wee lamb and not the other way around.' He said gleefully. I responded with an eye roll and his grin turned wider like the Cheshire cat. I was still wondering the place to which we were stuck in and whose story it is anyway.

'Can't figure whose story we are in, don't you?' He asked care freely and smiled when I frowned at his question.

'Now you are reading my mind. Can you read & listen to my private thoughts? I asked bluntly. I couldn't hold this thought any longer. I patiently waited for his reply even though I am fully aware about the truth.

'You already know I can. We are connected, darling. You can read mine too.' He replied honestly, the look in his eyes is all I need it to confirm.

'No, I can't.' I argued.

'Yes, you can. Trust me and we can be very powerful together.' He retorted.

Trust is the one thing I cannot give it freely. Callum doesn't need the words to understand my dilemma. He didn't reply but smiled at me like an evil clown. Suddenly he changed the topic which turned into another misery.

'We are in your favourite story. "Cinderella".' Callum announced happily and clapped his hands together for an effect.

I groaned loudly as I hate that fairy tale. Yes, I know it is the most awful thing you heard but I have been burned more than once due to my belief in the happily ever after.

'We shall have so much fun together, bonnie lass.' He holds his arm out and I take it, slowly we enter into the invisible wall where the "Once upon a time" might not end into "Happily ever after".