Masquerading Lovers - Part 1

The Society of Evermore cordially invite you to Masquerade Ball

February 16th, 2021 from 10 PM to 2AM

East Williams Manor,

123, Bunker Hill Road, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Once a year, on the night of the brightest moon, he asked for a sacrifice. A sacrifice which can reunite his lost love and every year his attempt to do so were futile. No matter how many women’s blood needed to be shed, he will have his true love in his loving embrace once more.

‘My lord, the invitations have been sent out and we are ready for tonight.’ Informed, a pale man with an unusually tall height and carrying gaunt face devoid of emotions.

‘Excellent. Did that woman receive our invitation? Without her this whole charade will be a waste of our time.’ Hidden under the shadows, a baritone voice gestured to his faithful servant, Benoit Erwan to confirm with the final conclusion.