"Novia, what is this?" Archer went to his little sister's side, and for the first time that night feeling a sense of animosity for a man other than Xander. Novia was his little sister. It wasn't as if he thought she would never marry. But that didn't mean that she wasn't his little jewel. He had vowed to protect her, ever since he had seen her tiny button nose and Rose bud lips, for the first time.

"I want to marry him Archer," she chirped.

He gently took her arm and dragged her to the side. He lifted his head and saw Gabrielle and his father in a corner whispering to each other. A chill ran through his veins, the two premiers were actually considering it.

"You are only seventeen Novia," he stroked her rosy cheeks and tucked a stray strand of platinum blonde hair behind her ear. "You are still a baby."

"I am not," she blew air into her cheeks and pouted her lip confirming her brother's view of her.

Archer pressed his index fingers into her cheeks and deflated them. "You are too young."

"But you are getting married," she fussed. "Adalia is only two years older than I am."

"She's the same age as I am. We are both old enough to marry. Besides, our marriage is for the kingdom," he said with a weary sigh. If only they wanted to marry each other for other reasons. Like the fact that he thought he was falling hard for Adalia.

"Our marriage is for love."

Archer groaned. What did his little sister know about love? He blamed her chamber maids and all their fairy tale stories. He blamed his father for giving into her every whim, and his mother for making her as beautiful as she was.


Adalia stood next to her brother and just gazed at him. They had this way of talking with their eyes. With just one look they could say a thousand words, or have a whole conversation with each other. They were close and it was this same closeness she wished she would have with her husband. The look in his eyes said it all, and the smile he bore on his lips confirmed it. She wrapped her arms around him and congratulated him.


"Mother you aren't going to allow it," Archer couldn't interrupt his father when he was still having a private word with Gabrielle. He now had to rely on his mother's sensibility, but her sweet nature would probably go against him. Before she could answer he turned his plea to Liora, the practical of the two.

"My daughter is old enough to know if she's ready for marriage," Ilana turned to Randi. "A lot of sacrifices and responsibilities come with marriage."

Struck out. But then a thought came to mind. Tradition. There was no way his younger siblings could get married before he did. "It doesn't matter. You can't get married until Adalia and I do, and there is no telling when that will be."

"What's your problem?" Adalia punched him in the arm, irate.

He winced in pain. "I am sure your brother is a wonderful man but, Novia is still a little girl who believes in fairy tales and happily ever after. I don't think she's ready for this."

"Are you sure you aren't speaking about yourself," Adalia whispered in his ear, making sure no one but he heard.

Their younger siblings marrying would rush their wedding. Neither of them was ready but with this news they would have to be. Adalia squeezed his arm in an attempt to reassure him but there was stiffness in his muscles she wouldn't understand.

Archer's whole body had gone rigid from fright. He hadn't thought of that. But now he had to and he had to make sure that no other wedding took place until he was ready. He took a couple of deep breaths and when his body relaxed he felt Adalia's finger's wrapped on his arm. It won't be too bad, he thought as he looked into her caring eyes. They seemed compatible so far, but that could only be because they had only known each other for less than a day.

Less than a day. "You have only known each other for hours," a new reason why they shouldn't marry came to mind. "At this point, the time it would take to plan your wedding would be longer than the life of your relationship."

"Archer!" Novia pouted once more.

She wasn't changing her mind. Archer was about to give up when their father's joined the debate. He couldn't read the looks on their faces. Years of not giving information away on their faces had left the two men expressionless.

"We'll allow it," Gabrielle said.

"But Adalia and Archer have to agree to the marriage. They have to give their blessing since they are older than you, the heirs, and you want to marry ahead of them," Lionell completed.

Adalia shot her brother a look of approval and high fived him. She hugged Novia then said. "Welcome to the family."

They all waited in silence for Archer's decision. He could tell that Adalia saw the stubborn clench in his jaw and knew he would say no. "Please excuse us," she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. "Think of it this way, if they get married an alliance would be formed and you and I won't have to get married."

A confusing thought came to his mind. He knew how he felt about getting married, but he felt hurt that Adalia would use their siblings' marriage to get out of her own. He pulled his arm out her hand and walked out of the room, leaving an echo of gasps behind him. Archer retreated to his room. He lay on his bed as he tried to make up his mind about how he felt about Adalia and the marriage.

He sat up when he heard his door bang open. He already had a threat and a curse on the tip of his tongue. But when he saw it was his little sister, gasping as tears rushed down her cheeks he swore under his breath. Archer watched as she paced around his room in full circles.

"You are mean...and...And...bad...and...and...mean," her finger pointed at him each time she made an accusation.

He hated seeing his sister that way. Archer gave up; there was no point in him being this stubborn. Plus there was the chance that he would be let off the hook once Randi and Novia got married.

"If you smile I will agree to the marriage," he opened his arms out to his sister and she rushed into them.

He went back into the dining room and announced his decision. He saw Adalia's smile and he thought that she was happy to get out of their marriage. He went to her and whispered. "I will speak to my father. Maybe we won't have to marry after all."

He went back to his room and shed off all his formal clothing. Archer was back to thinking about his nonexistent relationship with Adalia.