"Archer?" Novia had been watching from her balcony. A part of her was happy when she saw them together. For a second she was sure that Archer wouldn't go with the scouts, and the romantic in her was thinking of a double wedding. She flew down to her brother's side when she saw the deep frown on his face. Gently she put his arm on his shoulder and felt bundled up muscles tense up. "It's just me."

He wasn't used to people sneaking up on him. But that one single act from Adalia had numbed his senses. Archer turned around to his little sister and tucked and unusually stray hair behind her ear. "Hey little one. I hadn't seen you there."

"You look at her as if you love her."

Archer took this as his cue to leave. He picked up his swords, bow and arrows and headed towards the palace.