Kicking, he had woken up from his insistent nightmare. He was back at the field fighting for him life. But the dream didn't end with him being stabbed but Adalia. The dream always ended the same way, with him standing over Adalia's withering body helpless. His heart was pounding as he shook and drowned in sweat. The dark terror of the dream writhed in his belly.
Archer felt a dull ache in his side, followed by a sharp pain. His body was still weak but at least he could feel something. He lifted his body up on his elbows and looked around the room. There was nothing inside that hut that he recognized. Nothing in there looked like a place he would frequent. It looked like a poor man's home. His bed was made out of straw and the ground was of pure dirt. He could smell everything from there, the dirt the different scents of flowers and food. A low grumble from his stomach affirmed it, he could smell food.