"Father," Adalia smiled at him. She sat next to him on the bed and held onto his hand. "I don't blame you. But I think that it would be best if I chose m own husband from now on."

"You are my little diamond, you know that right?" His palm cupped her face and Adalia leaned into it. "I would never make a decision that would harm you."

"I know daddy."

"Your highness," Adalia turned just in time to see Conan send a way a guard that she never knew had joined them. Conan's brow drew together in a formidable frown, as his fingers curled around the hilt of his sword. "The rebels have formed a front line, just outside the palace walls."

"And where is Xander? Adalia rose from the bed, and with three large strides she was at Conan's side.

"He is with the palace guards. Apparently he is forming a defensive line," Adalia could see the doubt and disbelief written on the seasoned warriors face. Something wasn't right, Xander was up to something.