For their satisfaction

Without any other eyes to ogle at us, the girls took the liberty to be more intimate with me, which they couldn’t do out there in the open. And naturally, I was all into it given that it’s kind of my goal to spend most if not all of my time just being with them.

Halfway through eating our lunch, all of them approached me, slightly different from each other but with the same intention.

To make me spoonfeed them. Well, we’re using chopsticks… Anyway, that’s what they intended.

First to step up on it was Satsuki, she tugged at my sleeve which made me turn my focus on her.

With six of us here – Chii didn’t come but she whispered that she’d drop by before I had to leave to meet Eguchi-sensei for my role as her Student Assistant – all of us were at one side of the table except for Saki who chose to sit across from me. To my left was Satsuki and to my right was Nami. Then next to the two were obviously Aya and Hina.