See you again

Yue noticing all of that was well within my expectation. In fact, I was waiting for her to ask me about it. However, she saved that until this moment when I had to leave and we got into the topic of whether we would meet again or not.

Personally, I would love to meet her again…

Unfortunately, associating with me again would have a high chance for her career to spiral downward. Look at how her answer on what inspired her to sing devolved to the current situation where she had to hide herself from the heat.

True. It’s kinda her fault for honestly answering like that when she could just stop downplaying it by saying that ‘a disheartening experience’ inspired her to release the song that became viral and her stepping stone to the world of the music industry. But that blunder could be attributed to her being still rather inexperienced.

“Yes, they are presents for my girlfriends…”