Wanna stay for a bit?

“Won’t this be bad for you, pulling me by my hand and all?” As we ascended the stairs, Ishida-senpai’s concerned question reached my ears.

Stopping for a bit to glance at her, I became witness to how she quickly averted her gaze before saying in a hurried tone, “Forget I asked that.”

“Is that so?” I smirked and thought of teasing her further but with footsteps approaching us, I held back and continued in our steps.

Ishida-senpai’s hand was cold and sweaty. Possibly because she’s nervous or this was literally the first time someone dragged her by hand.

I doubt that Goto even got to this point. He’s too horny for his own good. And from what I heard from the girl herself, she was not in the right mental state when she followed that guy to that love hotel. Even if I didn’t see her there, she claimed that she was still going to back away in the end.

Well, that’s already in the past. I never even brought it up again when she confessed about it the day after it happened.