Upon returning home, I was met with the warm welcome of Akane and Miwa-nee. We ate dinner together and cuddled on the couch, watching a show where Yue made a guest appearance.
It's always a treat to see her on the screen, drawing the audience's cheers even though she had already informed me weeks before when they taped that appearance. We were on a video call when that was playing and the girl couldn't help but criticize herself. For example, she nitpicked her outfit, saying the color didn't match. She pointed out some of her flat notes that only those truly meticulous in that department would notice. And lastly, she ranted about the host and the other guests, telling me how different they were off-camera.
Gossip they may be, but they're pretty useful. The other girls now have the knowledge of who's genuine and who's not among the celebrities or TV personalities Yue had encountered.