Because it was already late at night, Ayu used her car to drive us back home.
Marika's Aunt tried to insist on coming with us but we managed to lose her somehow.
She was too exhausted to run after us, after all. Furthermore, Marika's two guards followed us in their car before Kagura could come and ask them.
Minutes after that, she called Marika asking us to turn around and pick her up. Of course, we pretended we couldn't do it anymore and continued to drive away.
She could still go home to their place with Ichihara-san there anyway.
When I asked Marika if she'd be fine later, the girl simply giggled before saying she could handle it if her Aunt scolded her later.
Well, as a worrywart, I'll definitely escort her home along with the other girls who wouldn't be able to stay the night.
Unfortunately, given the time and the rain still coming down hard outside, the other girls couldn't come tonight but they would be joining us after through a video call.