
"Big brother! what are you doing? Hurry up we will be late to go to school if you keep pondering at the wall like that."

my twin younger sibling shouted from the living room .

I walk quickly and go to the living room, pack the bag and get ready to send my siblings to go to school.

"can't you two wait a bit, always hurrying me like this every morning? It's not like you two will be late for school ."

when I got inside the car, the twins has already been waiting for me in the car and I start nagging at them because it was just 6.00 a.m.

The twin just smiles

our parent have been absent for along time ago.

maybe seen i'm 15 years old and when the twins around 5 years old.

they dissapear and vanished never been found after they got into an accident.

police and other rescue teams never found their corpes.

we don't even have a relatives that can take care of us.

lucky for me our parent have a lot of insurance so when i'm 15 years old i decide to escalate my study and got my degree when i'm just 20 years old.

" well it is true that we will not be late to go to school. we just want to get to school early in the morning so that we can plan our own school life. you know nothing because you to old brother.your the epitome of ancient even your taste of music is ancient."

Erin said while putting her smug face,lucky her she's my precious family member.

well i admit it that i have an old taste of music but it not like i'm that old .

sometimes it's annoying to have twin younger siblings in the house .

it's bad enough to have one noisy sibling but if it's twin with the same personality you can just imagine how chaotic our house everytime they do something.

they always do a lot of unbelievable experiment and built weird thing in our house backyard.

sometime it will turn good ,sometime it will turn bad.

it depends on how hardworking they do their little experiment.

worry not because i also join their experiment and we have our own safety kit so that we will not be expose in any kind of danger.

i will always documented the experiment in my blog and do a live stream everytime we do the experiment.

"Right sis. Big bro does not know anything about school thingy .well he is a loner. he just have you and me and he knows that."

Eric support what his twin sister said. they are inseparable. If there is Erin, there is Eric.

If one of them was separate both of them will have a fever or be sick.

I do not know why, but it will happen.

Do not worry the fever will eventually subside if they can adapt their body to a new environment.

"yeah, yeah .its not like I do not have a friend they are just busy, okay. Put your seatbelt now. we will go to school right now. do not forget what...."

I ask them

"SAFETY FIRST!!!" they put on their seatbelt and I turn on their favorite radio channel and hear the radio while driving.




"Oi! get up, we have arrived, "

I said, or more to so they can get up from their little nap.

if i don't wake them out loudly they will stilm fell asleep.

because if they sleep they will sleep like a log.

unresponsive and unmoved that is their bad habit but if they smell something unfamiliar or foods they will wakeup immediately without i even try it.

"Huh, ...??we have arrived, Eric, Eric get up now! we have arrived at school, remember our plan today" said Erin to Eric who is still half asleep, half wake up. they are really amusing right now.

"huh, school, ah! right the plan. hurry up Erin we will be late." with his messy hairstyle and the drooling it is so funny to watch them


"Bye, Big bro drive the car carefully okay love yaaa!." they both said it at the same time, truly twin.

"I will pick both of you at six okay, do not be late okay" then I drive my car to my usual place to edit my video and maybe write some blog if i'm not lazy.

my office is not that far from the twin school a few blocks away from the school. I leisurely drove my car and stop by the PuffCheek Café in front of my office building because it is just 7.00 a.m.

I buy some cheese bread and coffee latte extra milk as my breakfast before entering the office.

I am just a normal worker at the office.

my job is to edit some book or magazine sometime a newspaper.

it is work from home but i decide to go to the office so that I can be more focused.

if I do my work at home it will become a disaster, it's either I will not do it at all or it will become a huge mess.

"Humm, what I'm going to do today?" I check my to-do list while eating my breakfast. well, the bread is very delicious so the chai latte.

Today I do not have a lot of work.

Okay, so I can continue my hobbies today to yeay!.

After I finish my breakfast I go to the office to edit some necessary work and after that i will go back home.



i walk at the sidewalk and it is so quite that if somebody drop a single tiny pin you will hear the sound.

'why it is so quiet, wahh so scary' this is exactly like in a horror movie .

maybe after this the scary monster eating human will come out

'Nah...impossible it's in the morning okay atleast if the monster want to come out it will be in a daytime unless there is a dimension crack like in the fantasy story but right now this is not fantasy it is my reality so it's impossible, maybe it is just in the morning so that why it is quiet' I brush away my scary thought.

when I want to cross the street there is some random dude around 2 feet tall asking for my help to carry his thing.

"Excuse me, sir, can you help me bring my books. this is just too many books for me to bring alone. please sir" well I as a very kind human being on this planet help him bring his book.

fudge...!! this is really heavy.

I just bring 5 books but it is so fudging heavy. what is this, is this rock or book, so heavy and big. looks like a comic book Uhm maybe an anthology.

but I am amazed with this guy because he can bring 10 books by alone by himself .

well whatever as long as he can .

"thank you sir for helping me. as an appreciation token for helping me, I hope you can receive this box. it may help you in the future" the random dude just give me some random box .

what is this, a box?what box?pandora? 'NEVU ISLAND PROPERTY' i read what is written on the box.what the heck nevu is it a ancient egyptian language or something.

there is no nevu here ,what nevu?I'm so confused right now.

i shake the box and seems that there is something in the box because when i shake it,it make a sound.

"wait, sir where is the key to open this box" before I wanted to say that guy has disappeared.

'How the fuck do I want to open this box without the key' well whatever. like I even care, I put the box in my bag and after that i almost forget about it.