"both of you cook a pasta? , i though i just told you to go to the kitchen and not cooking ?" i scratch my head and look at them with confuse face, I look at what are they eating and join them too, well since they have cook some food why not i just eat it right.
"the chicken chop here taste like a really dry rubber chicken with some vomit sauce and we don't like it, it is so disgusting and taste horrible and you just took to long in the archive so we just thought why not we just cook the dinner today and here we are delicious pasta for tonight" Eric said happily ,
well it is not wrong the chicken chop ration here taste like that but that is just the main food we have here other than the pasta .Eric happily gobble up the pasta he even add more pasta after he eat all of his pasta in his plate.
strangely , today Erin was especially quiet and her face was somewhat uneasy ,as we know it is weird enough for Erin to be quiet because her twin was very loud and carefree today ,
they are was basically a copy paste of their own self but different gender so where ever Eric loud she will support him, and if Erin being loud he will support her.
"Big brother can you close the bunker door tightly today and maybe put some hurdle near the bunker door i know the bunker door is very tough but please put it there ,i just feel really uneasy tonight, and , and maybe pack all of this pasta and water and load it in some box or whatever , please brother!!"
Erin anxiously said to me with her puppy eyes . who can resist puppy eyes guys, so i just follow what she said so she can feel relax back. I instructed Eric to put all of the important thing in his pandora box.
At first Eric was shock how I can know how his box functioning, but when i told him it is just my power he follow me obediently.
we pack the important thing such as food, water, first aid kit ,the research study also some knife and stove for emergency. when we finish pack up all of the thing it almost 2.00 am in the morning after that they go to sleep.
after we pack all of the thing Erin feel a little bit calm and before she go to sleep she also said to me to be a little careful .
"don't worry I will stay up to protect you guys. so just go to sleep" Erin smile and give me some hug before she go to sleep because Eric follow her sister steps he also do the same thing but after that his ear is very red probably because he just a little embarrassing. this two is so precious my heart is melting .
'what do i do , honestly they are just so cute'. even thought both of them was 13 year old ,a big teen but in my eyes they just a little baby fawn , but i can't just show this feeling to them if not they will become really big headed and spoil and i as a brother my job is to protect them and my forever mission is to annoy them.
So my goals right now is to keep my precious family away from filthy bug that may or may not approach them , because we don't know what will happen in the future and I will not let some previous bad experience happen ever again in mine and my sibling life.
the twin has to train more their power and I have to discover how to use this system a.k.a eve .
I ask her( I use 'her' because the system name is eve) method or how to trigger the mission and she said it is depend in what I do , think ,or discover she also said some of it is hard to triggered sometime its easy and sometime its mandatory if you don't do it you die.
Honestly I don't even understand what she saying but what I know is , if I don't follow the mission carefully I will go straight 6 feet under the earth, never mind I will eventually discover it someday.
after the twin go to sleep i heard some loud sound at the house upstair 'maybe it is just some kind of monster attack the house' , i said to myself and i go to tighten the bunker door so the monster does not come into our bunker. i hope it is really monster because monster does not have mind so they will don't know about this bunker , i really hope it is a monster. if it a human they will probably find this place and attack us.
EXP: 5000( extra 9000 exp if you defeat them without make your sibling wake up)
"What in the world is filthy bug, is it monster or what, and if i fail i just get an insect ,how irony i defeat a bug i get a bug " i just can shake my head off in this situation. so right now i have to fight them with all of my power but i don't even know how to use my power .
Suddenly i remember about my previous reward which is life yarn and scissorira maybe i have to use that thing .
so i take out the thing from my inventory and activate the spectacle so that i can see the life yarn the reason i have to activate the spectacle is because i just can see the life just through this spectacle it's like this spectacle ability .
the scissorira look just like an ordinary scissor but with a more delicate handle then the ordinary scissor. hopefully there is nobody who is hostile toward me
so right now i carefully guarding the bunker door from all the bug. i have to protect my sibling and make them save no matter what happen to me.
"Boss its look like there some kind of door here , and there is some sign of life here , what should we do ?" the guy that talk right now was very buff with all the muscle at his body talk to his boss who was very fat and his face is very ugly with a lot of pimple and his dead eyes .
"broke the door if you find a woman capture them alive if it's a man i don't care if he alive or not, i can just make them an undead and a perfect soldier for me. from now on their life will be in my hand owh!, one more before i forget, if u find some food confiscate it " he laugh loudly like a pig in the farm .No wonder his face is so ugly his personality is ugly to. he really deserve to die.