
after I wake up from sleep, it's already 6.00 a.m I thought I just had a nap but neither did I know I had a long sleep It seems that I'm really tired after all.

'Eve, window' as I said that the invisible stats window begin to show in front of my eyes.






EXP: 14010/14010












I thought for a while where do I want to export the exp and suddenly eve ask me.

< where do you want to import your exp >

'wait I'm thinking about it right now, hmm hmm where should this point go' as I stroke my invisible beard, eve gives me some suggestions.

'okay...I will import half of it on my luck and the rest of the point can wait for its own time' I ignore eve suggestion because my luck point is just too low I might even die because of some banana peel than die because some attack.

'ehh... eve why my luck just increases from 12 to19 shouldn't it be 7017, it should work like this right, like for every exp increase 1 stats point' I'm confused right now, is this some kind of prank. this must be some kind of prank, maybe eve want to make a joke but this is not funny at all.

"Are you kidding me, this is a scam right, where does the other exp point go? "argh my neck, my blood pressure rise isn't it too many to take 1000 exp for just 1 point of stats, this is so frustrating.

isn't this too high maintenance, I'm feeling dizzy, I want to faint.

"brother, why you are so loud this morning," Eric said while rubbing his eyes, I almost forget that I told them to sleep in my room.

"nothing, there is just some bug" I know this is some ridiculous excuse but that's all the excuse I can think of right now.

" bug? Are you sure it's a bug maybe it is something dangerous? in this era and time we have to be careful" haiya this kid can you just brush your thought away, why this kiddo questioning and give me some advice like some cop in the police station and a mom to his kid, are you serious.

"Okay, okay enough with your imagination just go wake up your siblings,I will go to the kitchen to cook what is available in the fridge, don't forget to take a shower, all of you smell is reek with sweat" Eric just nodded his head and started to wake up the other

Eric decides to take a shower by playing some rock, paper, scissor and the loser have to take a shower first and the loser in this game is Al.

He grumpily goes into the bathroom to take a shower seen he lose the rock, paper, scissor game.


"what...just some dry cereal, i thought you will cook a decent breakfast" Erin complain while baby just nodded and support what Erin said seems like baby has become quite attached to Erin. right now baby really resemble a cute chick follow her mother.

"right now,food is sacred , so we have to save a little we have, so just bear with it for now okay ,until we have a consistent flow of food" as i said that word to them their face look really disappointed and full of despair.

"Okay but can we get at least a bottle of milk ,UHM...please"Al said .his voice tone right now is very arrogant but he said please ,I don't even know he want to begging or order me.

"I mean it's totally fine if you want some milk, but i don't know if you can consume the milk or not, the milk maybe has been spoil because we don't usually eat cereal with milk we eat it with yogurt and for your information yogurt stock at home has just finish " they all just nod their head and Al go check for the milk at the fridge but the milk has spoiled and expired.

Well you know when you keep buying and pile up the foods you buy in the fridge and hide it at the back of the fridge so that your siblings don't eat it but then you eventually forget about it and at the end it become fungi and bacteria food.That the case for milk in this story.

"after you eat come to the backyard" our backyard has canopy or roof so it a bit safe and it is connected to the kitchen. when there is no attack or this otherworldly phenomena we will always chilling at the backyard while hear some soothing music, that moment very ecstatic but right now we can't do that because the condition we face upon now.

"isn't it a bit dangerous brother" Erin ask me , she look confuse and maybe a bit afraid.

"don't worry the canopy at the backyard still intact, didn't you all see it yesterday, anyways just go to the backyard after breakfast okay,don't ask to many question." why so curious, kid this day just full of curiosity doesn't they know curiosity might kill them someday.

well that just my made up quote, but it's better luck then save right,what is this I can't think properly whatever just ignore it.


"mana manual and qi manual" which one do i want to learn first,why can't i just learn just by look at it maybe there is some kind of spell that i have to said first . like a spell in fantasy story.

"bippity boppity boop"

"avada kedavra"

"pim pim pom"

"how is this so hard , I have try all possible mean why it is not even working" think Elia thinks what it is , maybe a more simple word.

"learn" hahaha... is this your last attempt Elia , why so funny.' learn' what learn ,learn to read ABC .such a ridiculous attempt. in this world there is no such an easy thing right, I will just read the manual one by one, sheet by sheet.

" what the hell ... this is so fucking hurt, if I know it will be this hurt I will never wish this skill exist ,aghhh... what …nevermind, this is worth the pain" before I fainted and lost my consciousness and I even had a delusional voice and heard eve said something.

maybe something like this but it's impossible because eve is kind even though she's sometime strict to me and after that I fainted.