Having the entire camp summoned by a red alert is never a good sign, not for us at least.

It has been reported by the SETF that in several cities within the state sinkholes are rapidly appearing for the past three days, and several humans both young and old have gone missing because of these sinkholes.

The worst part is when they appear, a small portal opens up within which releases into the air toxic fumes from within and these fumes affects every living cell within ten feet distance of the poisonous gas.

As per the instructions given by the supernatural agency, the Washington Camps has to dispatch all agents to aid the relocation of human survival camps scattered around the cities within the state in other to fully execute a smooth cleanup.

Under the supervision of one Senior Warrior Agent, a team will be formed consisting of 12 members each. Eight of these members must be gathered from Elite Force Warriors while the remaining four must be drafted from the new members of recruits.

Several military trucks arrived as soon as the announcement was made to the entire camp and everyone was handed protective leather suits and M50 Airsoft Tactical protective gas masks.

We were also handed firearms and ammunitions in case the need arises. Though our powers would be more of use, for the sake of humans we were warned not to show our true forms unless the need arises.

Once everyone was armed and ready, several military trucks set off on their mission past the barrier, leaving behind only a few soldiers left to guard the camp until our return.

Seated side by side with my number one enemy I had to grit my teeth in anger when his team and mine were chosen to work together, we were loaded up in the back of black paddy wagons with the abbreviations of the agencies name written in bold letters across the side of the van.

Being seated across from her though took some of the anger I felt over his presence.

Our trip to Chinatown was pretty short from our position at Capitol Hill, and once we arrived we could hear the commotion of angry and confused humans right outside the four walls of the van.

We couldn't see much from our position at the back, but the windscreen did allow us to see a little bit of what's happening outside.

There seems to be a large crowd of angry humans protesting on the streets with raised signs as they hurdle in front of the Control Center's head office.

The van had no choice but to slow down a couple of feet's away from the office due to the unmoving crowd, and some even expressed their annoyance in having our large van become an obstacle by pounding their fists against the sides of the van.

"Warriors get ready, it seems we have a battle ahead of us." Senior Elite Warrior, Sir Locke turns in his seat and says to us through the glass partition diving the back seat from the front.

He instructs over his shoulder. "Ensure you don't hurt them, but if you need to use force to keep them in control then use it. Just don't kill anyone."

As soon as he says that, he gets down from the van, and through his open door we were hit with the full volume of the rowdy crowd.

Bending down everyone grabbed their M16A1 guns and loaded their ammunition, rising to our feet we formed a single line and got prepared.

When the back doors of the van were thrown open by the agent who drove, we were met with the angry faces of a lot of humans.

They're dressed in worn-out clothes with several holes, some of them walking barefoot or wearing shoes with terrible soles, and the little glimpse we could see of their skin was quite dusty and caked with smudges of dirt.