Chapter 12: Making new friends

As soon the class was over, Lucien alongside a few students rushed over to the cafeteria. While a good number of the students had eaten something before the class began, those who woke up late are considered late and were given special treatment.

"This is sad" Lucien walked into the large room with numerous desks and benches and frowned.

He spent some time with instructor Cain after the class so he was the last to get here. For breakfast, Lucien just took a large number of stakes and searched for an empty bench. Finally alone with his food, the Raizen clan prodigy and heir forgot all forms of manners, diving into his food like a vicious beast. He tore the juicy stakes like a wild animal and only stopped tearing chunks of it when his mouth is full.

"You shouldn't frown while you chew… It makes you look like a beast… oooh, you are already one" a familiar voice reached his ears as another plate was gently placed on his desk.

Looking up, Lucien saw Brian from the Lucardo family looking down on him. Since his mouth was full and he couldn't speak, he only chose to growl in response and look away.

"Hahahaha! You are just like a child… since your mouth is full and you can't reply… I believe this is the perfect time to diss you a bit" Brian laughed causing Lucien to chew faster. Seeing Lucien still couldn't reply, Brian nodded in satisfaction and continued.

"So after all that great Raizen crap you gave me the last time we let at the torn forest, here we are... Sitting together as elite students of the Fotia academy… Doesn't that make us equals?" Brian said with a sly smile on his face.

Hearing the last part, Lucien's eyes widened as he swallowed everything n his mouth all at once without a care of the world. He felt his throat burning and probably guessed he injured himself but it didn't matter! As long as he can put this weak ass human fighter in his place, it will all be worth it.

"You stupid piece of shit, do you wish to compare mighty war mages to mere fighters? Say that again while listening to yourself" Lucien snarled with a weak voice due to the burning sensation in his throat.

"Hahahaha! I told you, a mage is only mighty at a distance… when you get close enough they are no different from a three-year-old with a wand, crying for help" Brian yawned while he spoke, causing Lucien's face to turn red with anger.

"You stupid #$#%&#%&#&#! Come one, let's take this outside and settle this like men!" Lucien growled but once again Brian laughed with a hint of contempt in his voice.

"Says the person considering to take the slayer path… you chose to follow the path of the people you look down on? How low can you stoop Lucien! Hahaha! Don't deny it! I have known you for a long time now, so I can roughly guess what's going on in that messy mind of yours" Brian snared causing Lucien to spring on his feet, fuming!


Lucien slammed his hands on the desk as his eyes began giving out a silver light.

"You know what? Taking this outside will take too long… Let's settle this here and now!" Lucien growled while Brian laughed his as out. Others eating watched from a distance as a human dares to make dangerous jokes with someone who will most likely become the strongest Raizen Clan member to have ever lived.

He has really large balls to even consider doing things like this!

What the heck, this kid doesn't value his life!

Isn't that the Lucardo family heir? I heard they are the only noble family without an affinity to any magic, veteran fighters… if he's here to pick a fight with the Raizen prodigy then you are right, he really has big balls! Three of them!

Whispers about the two spread across the cafeteria until it became quite noisy. Everyone watched Lucien with his glowing silver eyes and Brian who was sitting and wore a bright smile on his face.

"You are really easily agitated and noisy" A new voice caught everyone's attention.

It was a youth with blood-red hair tied back into a ponytail. Unlike other students he wore black trousers and a black shirt with a red jacket, bearing the school's badge. This was the first time they were seeing someone putting on causal clothes with the school badge. At first they kept asking themselves if this is allowed but when they realized who the kid is, they understood why.

He had sharp facial features and bright red eyes. As this youth walked forward this air of royalty and confidence followed him tightly. He was the direct descendant of the Emperor, Fei! Hex!

"And?" Lucien's answer left everyone stunned! Including Hex.

He was used to people shying away because of his identity. He found Lucien interesting because of his gutsy move against the instructor Han who stopped him from murdering the new time mage in the empire. Even the way he spoke with the new Instructor Cain at the class and most of all, he had the power and talent to back it up! All this, he assumed that Lucien was relying on his clan's name to protect himself against people below him in terms of nobility, so he didn't expect Lucien will be bold enough to speak to him in the same manner.

"Hahaha! I see why you enjoy pissing him off! It's fun to see him make that face" Hex said to Brian before taking a seat next to him.

With Lucien at the other side of the desk, both youths glared at him with a rare smile on their faces, leaving Lucien even more confused. He expected Hex to at least talk down on Brian who is just a human but he didn't seem to have any intentions of doing that. Instead, he seemed satisfied with Brian.

"Fuck my life" Lucien said as he slowly sat down and continued eating in silence. All he wanted was a quiet time alone with his food but judging based on the look on their faces, he was sure these two did not care about that. In his opinion, they were sent by whatever being that lives at the deepest section of hell to make life miserable.

"You don't seem scared of my name… you don't seem scared of my grandfather's name… why?" Hex finally spoke up and broke the silence.


"Because it doesn't matter to me… I will become the next Beast emperor… for that reason, I have no reason to fear… In case you don't know, fear is an emotion for the weak… last time I checked, I am not weak!" Lucien gulped down half of the content in his jug of water before answering the question.

He may have spoken those words casually or maybe it's because he spoke those words so casually that's why everyone was stunned by it. Ever since the birth of this empire, no one has dared say something like this in public. For the fact that Lucien can boldly claim he will be the next beast emperor meant that he was aiming to surpass emperor Fei who has lived for more than Five hundred years!