Chapter 37: First quest

Turning to meet the voices, he saw two figures in black feather coats shooting towards him. 

'Come!' Lucien grinned in his mind as he took a step forward catching the hands of the two assailants in mid-air!

Taking advantage of the momentum this two gathered while flying towards him, Lucien chose not to stop. Instead, he spun to the left while holding them tightly, before letting them go and watch them crash on the ground violently since they had no control over their body.

"Don't forget that magic was not the only aspect of life which I surpassed you all in… Both of you have always been inferior" Lucien said coldly as he took bold steps forward while looking at them.

"ST…." Lucas Raizen was about to call out to the two youths, to stop and apologize since he didn't want to anger the emperor but Lucien interrupted.