Chapter 191: A powerful foe arrives


Her hand was stopped by Lucien effortlessly and no matter how much she tries to pull back she just couldn't break free from his grip. Gazing at Lucien what the female commander saw wasn't the kid normal people saw but it was a massive blue azure Chinese dragon standing behind the kid and staring down at them. His eyes showed no emotion as he continuously gazed at the lady as if he were searching for something but after a while, he sighed, showing his disinterest in her.

"And who said you are dying today old man... it's too early for us to meet up with the emperor at the other side..." Lucien said as he shot Instructor Han a glance with an eye that showed no emotion.

Both the enemy forces and the enemy commander stood still and no one dared make a move as some spirituality cultivators arrived with healer! Only then did Lucien make his move.