

Soga no Katashishime started to sweat profusely as it seemed that the constraints of labour were soon to begin.

"Milady." Sara called, "Hold on a little bit longer." She added.

"When is everything getting ready?" She asked just when Saio Shinaga walked into the room.

"Milady." She said as she bowed her head. "it is time we left for the shrine." she added.

"Yes Saio." Sara said as she along with Katashishime's other palace maids helped her out of her seat and then led her through the doors of her quarters.

She made her descent upon the stairs as she was aided into a small open palanquin.

Immediately she had settled down inside, the palanquin was lifted by about eight strong and able men with Grace.

The reception of a Royal child had to be with utmost care towards the Royal consort for her simple wound in the state of vulnerability could certainly cost someone their life.

Her procession began as a very long and extravagant ceremony, either because the Emperor had very high hopes in the birth of this child or maybe the Empress Ishi Hime was far too caring even for her foes.

The Empress Consort had already arrived at the shrine and watched in a distance below as they started to make an ascension of the small hill.

The Empress was suddenly joined by her closest maid Sakae.

"Your Highness." Sakae called.

"Yes." The Empress replied.

"What could it be that is stuck within your thoughts?" Sakae asked.

"The sky is slowly darkening and the heavens shift so rapidly." The Empress replied.

Sakae was puzzled.

"Your Highness." She said.

"All this is too absurd but even now the will of heaven hasn't abandoned me, this signs tell the coming of a great downpour though there is still a question." The Empress added.

"Which one Your Highness?" Sakae asked.

"What will Iname do with the very same will of heaven?" The Empress asked.

Consort Katashishime's palanquin eventually graced the shrine's courtyard and Saio Shinaga hurriedly rushed to her side.

"Milady." She called upon noticing how intense her breathing had become. "we are already here." She added.

"Saio." Consort Katashishime called. "I can feel it's Advent any time from now." She added.

"Have you not endured this before Your Highness, it shall certainly be a walk over, just hold on a little bit longer." Saio Shinaga said.

"This child shall certainly be the death of me, compared to all my other sons that came before, I find this one in a very strange way far too unbearable and the labours too great for me to bear." Consort Katashishime replied.

"Reserve your strength milady for I guarantee you that this shall all be over." Saio Shinaga said as the Shrine maidens along with the palace maids bore the Consort into the shrine.

"The Emperor on the other side had reached out of the capital with his troops and they were stationed at the top of Kagu Hill where he beheld the Capital.

"Soga no Iname." He said when one of his other generals rode to His side.

"Your Majesty." The General said.

"What is it Fujiyaro?" The Emperor asked.

"I can tell how distant your thoughts are." Fujiyaro said.

"It has barely been ten hours, and the sky itself predicts an awful fate for us all, at this speed which we are moving we might not make it in time to face off with our enemies." Emperor Kinmei replied.

"And yet alas we still March to war because our Emperor is with us." Fujiyaro said.

The Emperor turned and looked at him.

"What do you have to say?" Emperor Kinmei asked.

"Slay them all." Fujiyaro replied. "Slay Yamato's enemies Your Majesty." he added.

"You make it sound like an assurance." Emperor Kinmei said.

"Is it not Your Majesty?" Fujiyaro asked.

"Soga no Iname, Mononobe no Moriya, are they all not your strongest men, You and Senka took this small nation and made it great and significant, for your successors to realise your dream and legacy do it your Majesty, Mine is to fight by your side and also ensure that not even a single person stops your cause." Fujiyaro replied.

"It is decided." The Emperor said. "We March twice as fast." He added.

"Yes Your Majesty." Fujiyaro replied as he rode away.

Moriya and Iname were still marching with the troops northwards and Moriya spoke up with a few other generals.

"It's unbelievable how we have turned into men who are now fighting with ghosts, how fast could the enemy have shifted from the south to the north." Moriya asked.

"In deed, it is suspicious." Honshū said.

"What do you think Iname?" Moriya asked.

"What?" Iname asked.

"Are you not the smartest man in the whole of Yamato?" Moriya asked.

"What has that got to do with the enemy?" Iname asked.

"You tell us, has the enemy outsmarted you as well, or have you really started to grow old?" Moriya asked.

"Moriya." Iname called.

"What?" Moriya asked.

"You still have but a very long way to go, you must be prepared as a general to fight at any disadvantage given your enemy is at the same disadvantage as well.

You talk too much but you barely noticed, if you'd read the skies you'd know that very soon we'd be expecting a heavy downpour." Iname said.

"Tell me what it is that you are trying to imply?" Moriya asked.

"The north of the capital is covered in many hills and slopes, should it rain then the troops of the defenders won't hold off the attackers, additionally, there are woods and trees along the northern route.

With these in place the enemy would know too well that it would be very difficult for us to fight with our long Spears between the trees." Iname replied.

Moriya halted and the troops behind halted along with him.

"Are you out of your mind?" Moriya asked.

"Why would I certainly be?" Iname asked.

"You know very well how our armies are trained and you still push us into the gutter to die." Moriya said.

"Allow me to ask which part of this is not your duty?" Iname asked Moriya.

"This is intended massacre." Iname asked.

"Can you be confident in predicting the outcome of the battle?" Iname asked.

"I speak in a sound mind and you don't." Moriya said.

"Our difference is that you are a coward, for all the years that you have served you have known even if there is the slightest hope for a way out I'd certainly take it than run away.

I compared to you I'm fully aware of what my duty demands, upon conscription into the army was it not a vow of ours to protect the Emperor and the state? Which part of that was not clear?" Iname asked.

Moriya and Honshū kept quiet.

"We are at the forefront and the Emperor is standing with us today, if you are not ready to March with me after all considering all things including seniority I take command of this army more than you do.

Feel free to withdraw and go and restudy your vows but leave me and my Emperor to fight." Iname added as he rode away.

Moriya who had been greatly intimidated put his head down and rode after Iname as they continued their March.

The Consort's labours were at their worst and her mouth had nothing but a piece of clothing on which she bit to hold in her screams.

She tightly held a long piece of clothing that had been suspended from the ceiling as the midwives took their positions around her.

"Push." The Royal midwife said to the her.

She wholeheartedly complied as the thunder rumbled outside and a brilliant beam of lighting dashed across the already darkened sky.

Saio Shinaga was seated under a small she'd outside that faced the main shrine as the cries of the Consort grew more and more prominent while it started to drizzle.

She stretched her hand out into the rain and her face was entirely overwhelmed by great fear.

"No." She said, "it can not be." She added as the downpour only intensified with every second that went by.

A strong wind followed that made the bells throughout the shrine to shake violently whereas the Emperor and his armies were being drenched in the rain.

It was impossible to March with their torches burning for all that they had for a source of light to illuminate the way and guide their footsteps was the wan moonlight.

"Push Milady." The midwives and the palace maids continued to encourage Consort Katashishime and she pushed harder.

Empress Ishi Hime was seated in another sanctuary and was facing the statue of Amaterasu.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty." A messenger rode from ahead of him and he eventually came to halt in front of the Emperor and Fujiyaro.

He got off his horse and then bowed down to the Emperor.

"What is it?" Emperor Kinmei asked.

"Your Majesty, Iname and his men have been spotted not far from here." The messenger replied.

"That's good news your Majesty." Fujiyaro said as the Emperor sighed in relief.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Another messenger rode onto the scene that very moment.

He was entirely drenched but on top of that, he looked far more frightened than his colleague who'd come before him.

"What is It?" Fujiyaro asked as the messenger got off his horse and then knelt down before the Emperor.

"The Enemy has been spotted and his flags and banners fly high above the trees of this very forest." The messenger replied.

"What?" The Emperor said.

"Yes Your Majesty,it appears as though it really is a full scale attack this time." The messenger added.

"It shall be nearly impossible for these men to fight in this condition and weather." The Emperor said.

"We have no choice your Majesty, either we win and Yamato stands or we lose and she falls." Fujiyaro said.

"I can't give up hope, certainly not now." The Emperor said when he caught sight of another set of flags similar to theirs.

"Who is that?" Fujiyaro asked as he drew his Katana out of his sheath.

The soldiers marched into sight and eventually he recognized the two men at the front as Soga no Iname and Moriya.

"Iname, Moriya." The Emperor called.

"We're here your Majesty." Iname replied.

"The enemy is in close proximity." Fujiyaro said.

"We came here for a fight and we are not leaving without one Your Majesty, I bring with me the men ready to die for the cause of our Empire." Iname said.

"Gather them all around." Emperor Kinmei said.

"Before we can collide with our enemies, I'll have a short word with them." The Emperor added.

"Yes Your Majesty." Iname and Fujiyaro replied in unison.

"Push." The midwives said again until the chief midwife finally felt the child.

"The head is out." The chief midwife cried.

Consort Katashishime yelled and the sky similarly responded in her favour as the rainfall only increased.

The troops were gathered and the Emperor rode from one end to another.

"All you brave citizens of Yamato, this very day I stand to fight with you, your allegiance was to the Chrysanthemum throne and mine was to protecting you all, even in times like these I am prepared to stand with you.

Today, as I told you before History shall remember our names, our cause for blood is a sign that the enemy can never truimph on our land, today we don't run away from the fight, we join it." The Emperor said.

"Hooray." The soldiers shouted as they struck the ground with their Spears.

"Milady, I can feel the arms." The chief midwife said when another spoke up.

"She is losing too much blood." she said.

"Call down Milady." Sara said.

"She just needs one giant push." The Chief midwife said.

The Emperor and his troops halted when they beheld in a distance a large mass of moving flags and banners that were entirely dark in nature soaring above some of the short trees in the forest.

"My god." Fujiyaro said along with some of the soldiers.

"Breathe in, breathe out." The Chief midwife said and Katashishime complied.

"Alright, just give one more push Milady." The Chief midwife said.

Consort Katashishime tightened her grip on the cloth and then used every last bit of strength that she could find, she pushed with a loud yellow that was accompanied by the biggest and longest beam of lightening.

There came a mighty thunder that resounded throughout the land as the lightning streaked above the heads of the Emperor and his troops and landed far ahead of them as they covered their eyes not to be blinded by it.

The rain ceased at once in the presence of the High Priestess on one side, The Emperor and his troops on the other side and for the Empress, the lamps that hang in the shrine fell down and shattered.

The Cries of a child echoed throughout the shrine, and in front of the Emperor and his troops appeared something they all found to be quite spectacular.

"Your Majesty." Fujiyaro said.

Moriya looked at Iname and was frightened as Iname ghastly smiled.

The flags in the distance were consumed by flames and they initially started to fall to the ground one by one followed by yells of people.

The Emperor looked up at the sky as the clouds cleared swiftly, the full moon hovered above brightly glowing more than it had ever glowed before.

Saio Shinaga stared at the room where the Noble Consort was and she too was amazed at the brilliance with which it had been illuminated.

It was at that moment that the prophecy that she had received not long ago came to her mind and the Emperor's coincidentally.

"The moon shall shed it's light upon a star, from the star there'll come a glow, the glow will birth a mighty light, a mighty light from which the presence of the one who would one day unite this land of Yamato in Peace under all heaven shall finally grace us on this sacred land."

"This is the sign." Saio Shinaga whispered to herself as The Empress looked all around her at the fallen lamps.

Sakae rushed in alarmed by the noise that had come from inside and was surprised by the sight as well.

"Your Highness." She called. "What has happened here?" Sakae asked.

"A bad omen." The Empress replied, "it is for us all." she added.

"Your Majesty, heaven is on our side, our enemies." Iname said.

"Advance to their ground." the Emperor said.

"What Your Majesty?" Fujiyaro asked.

"Did you not hear my command?" The Emperor asked. "I said advance." He added.

"Yes Your Majesty." Moriya said as they rode further towards the grounds on which their attackers had once based.

"It is a beautiful daughter Milady, it is a beautiful Princess." The Chief midwife said as she handed over the baby to it's mother.

"Congratulations, Milady." Sara said as Katashishime embraced her newly born daughter.

It was at that very moment that the High Priestess and the Empress Consort barged into the room as the Empress first laid her eyes on the Noble Consort's child.

"Your Highness." Sara said as she bowed her head.

Consort Katashishime simply looked the other way showing her utmost resentment towards the very woman that stood in front of her.

"Is what I am hearing true?" The Empress asked. "Your child is a girl." She added.

"I suppose you are satisfied your Highness, have I not kept my end of the deal?" Consort Katashishime asked.

The Empress grinned.

"As I had told you that I was in deed too pleased with your grace." The Empress replied.

"Could you find satiety in your actions even I have now found my composure." Consort Katashishime said.

"I am far too surprised as Milady seems so changed." The Empress said.

"What have you in mind Your Highness, tell me your deepest thoughts, is there much for me to relish in your presence?" Consort Katashishime asked.

The Empress watched her closely while keeping quite as the atmosphere within the room intensively changed.

Consort Katashishime gathered all the strength there was in her that she could find and then she walked up to the Empress.

"Milady..." Sakae was calling out to her.

"As a palace maid have you not the manner in which to act while your seniors are talking?" Consort Katashishime said.

Sakae looked down embarrassed which served the best in appeasing Sara, Consort Katashishime's maid.

"Forgive my servants impudence Milady." The Empress said with a ghastly smile as she bowed her head. " But it appears that she is concerned and so am I, it seems to me that Milady is not feeling alright." She added.

Consort Katashishime smiled.

"By alright do you mean timid?" She asked.

"I have no idea, reserve your anger milady, could it equal to the Emperor's disappointment the moment that he'll return into the capital?" The Empress asked.

"How about we wait and see for ourselves your Highness, who shall the the one to bend in the favour of the other." Consort Katashishime said as she smiled while she held her daughter right in between the both of themselves.

"Milady you were placed directly under my care." Empress Ishi Hime said threateningly.

"Have I no right to report my discomfort to the Emperor, are there no maids in the Royal Shrine that I would dare to bother her Highness with the duties of a wet nurse.

Have I not a single bit of respect to her old self and am I that vulnerable that I can not take care of the child from my very own womb?" Consort Katashishime spoke rhetorically.

"No Milady." The Empress replied.

"You are relieved of your duty your Highness and I do believe that you can certainly show yourself out in peace, after all I am not dead and the child within my arms still has a mother to look after her." Consort Katashishime replied.

The Empress and the High Priestess barged out of the Royal Shrine and Ishi Hime so furious threw the silk cloth that she held in her possession on the ground.

"That wench." She yelled.

"Your Highness." Sakae and Saio Shinaga said in unison but the Empress raised her right hand and halted them.

"This new determination of Katashishime." She said.

"Calm down your Highness." The High Priestess said.

"And why would I?" The Empress asked.

The two kept quiet.

"See, you too are as speechless as I should be, it appears to me as though this new Consort of ours needs to be reminded of who she really is." The Empress whispered seriously.

"Yes, Your Highness." The High Priestess and Sakae said in unison as they both smiled ghastly.

"Milady." Sara said a little bit too surprised by her mistress's new behavior.

"What is it?" Katashishime asked.

"I have never seen you like this before." Sara said honestly.

"I too understand that it must have been so surprising for you." Katashishime said.

"It is still surprising Milady." Sara said. "The way that you spoke up to the Empress, it was marvellous." She added.

"Marvellous?" Katashishime said.

"Hahahaha." She laughed out loudly.

"Milady." Sara said.

"Don't degrade me for I myself have been subject to the Empress's torture nearly all my life.

Personally I now think that it is time that we had a change of things here in the palace." Katashishime said.

"What do you mean by that Milady?" Sara asked.

"It is time that the Empress danced to our tunes as well, should she fail, I am very much afraid that it could be the Advent of her downfall." Katashishime seriously spoke up.

The Emperor and his troops marched to the place where their enemy had been, their last remnants comprising nothing more than ashes and the dark banners and flags all entirely consumed by flames.

"So much destruction." Fujiyaro said.

"They're all fallen." Moriya added.

"And not a single one of them is left alive." The Emperor himself spoke.

Iname closed his eyes and then faced the sky.

"And still the moonlight shines extra ordinarily bright above His Majesty." Inane said as the Emperor looked up into the sky and noticed the intense brightness of one particular star that was very close to the moon once again.

"Could it be?" He asked.

"All around you, throughout the earth, could there have ever been one to see a miracle such as this?" Iname asked.

"The soldiers gathered here all bear witness with Your Majesty and today the will of heaven has been made known to the eyes of men." He added.

"In deed, my foes have fallen all around me, I did not even have the time to lift a finger and command their attack.

My soldiers have not stained their Spears with blood, my archers haven't lifted a single arrow from their quivers." The Emperor said.

"And Victory is all yours Your Majesty." Iname said.

"How could it be?" The Emperor asked.

"I believe your Majesty that you yourself have the answer." Iname said.

"What?" The Emperor asked.

"It is luck." Moriya plainly said.

"Even if a man were to be lucky, this is beyond the ordinary, this is a miracle." Fujiyaro said.

"In deed it is." Iname said, "Every one could certainly fear a man whose will coincides with that of heaven, a man whose been graced to rule the people under it." he added as he looked sternly at Moriya.

"Is it....?" The Emperor said appearing as though he had recalled something all of a sudden.

"Yes Your Majesty, with the birth of the Royal Child I believe it is the reason that heaven's victory is with us today. We in Yamato have received our blessing today." Iname said.

"Yes." The Emperor firmly said.

Iname smiled.

"Prepare everyone." The Emperor said.

"Your Majesty." Fujiyaro said.

"We turn around at once and return to the capital." The Emperor Commanded.

"Yes Your Majesty." The three said in Unison.

Consort Katashishime stood at the balcony in the dark of night when the main gates to the palace were opened and the Emperor, Iname, Moriya and Fujiyaro walked through.

"His Majesty deigns you with his presence." Sato announced as the Emperor walked through the Royal guards that had surrounded the entire vicinity.

Empress Ishi Hime arriving from one end of the palace suddenly halted when she gazed at Consort Katashishime who gracefully descended from the height to the Emperor's presence.

"Your Majesty." She said as she tried to bow her head but the Emperor halted her unaware that the Empress Consort was present at the scene.

"There is no need for you to use any formalities, I am well aware that you are not yet fully recovered and you just gave birth a few hours ago." The Emperor said.

"May His Majesty forgive me of this awful sin that I have committed." Katashishime said.

"What is it Milady?" The Emperor asked.

Katashishime shedding a pile of tears was able to act up smartly that the Empress was on the verge of exploding with rage.

"That scheming wench." She cursed under her breath.

"I know how much his Majesty loves sons, I haven't lived to your full expectations and here I am with nothing but disgrace offering a daughter to the Royal Dynasty." Katashishime replied.

The Empress stood to wait for the Emperor's reaction seemingly interested and also at some point hopeful for something.

"I laid your efforts Milady." The Emperor suddenly said.

The Empress where she was was startled and for what appeared to have been the first time in her life, Katashishime beheld fear and great disappointment in her contender's eyes.

She could have concluded inwardly that she had succeeded.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, I wonder how awful you must feel returning from war to meet the acquaintance of the least appeasing news." Katashishime said.

"I can only be more thankful." The Emperor said. " After all, was it not this very child that I bear in my possession that granted me the absolute truimph over my enemies?" He added.

The Empress at a distance looked at Iname who smiled from the corner of his mouth.

"What's happening?" The High Priestess asked Ishi Hime.

"I do not know, it appears that something in deed happened outside the palace." The Empress replied.

"Your Majesty, Heaven is on your side." Katashishime said.

"And it has graced me with this beautiful daughter." The Emperor said.

"If you say so Your Majesty, then I am in deed most certain in all your words that her grace shall be flawless like the very moonlight that shines on us all, her courage like you shall in deed be as vast as the expanse of the heavens and above all her beauty, it shall yet be more radiant than the face of any star." Katashishime said.

"For it was her birth and hers' alone that brought me victory over unseen foes, her birth put heaven on my side, her birth again has brought a great and new unspoken light to Yamato and its people and the very same girl heralds the Advent of the achievement of that which is my most grandiose vision." The Emperor said.

"Your grace is in deed immeasurable your Majesty." Katashishime said as she smiled at the Emperor who looked lovingly at his daughter.

Iname walked over to the Empress Consort who was already frozen where she was standing.

"Your Highness." Iname said Ashe bowed his head.

"Iname." The Empress called as he came closer and stood at her right.

"You must be wondering what is happening right now." Iname said.

"Enlighten me, Iname, I might be held back a little bit." The Empress said with a smile.

"You shall hear from Moriya himself very soon though, the question is that between you and the Consort and mother of the Miracle child, who is the Emperor's favorite?" Inane asked.

"Perhaps you find me too cumbersome that you are always ahead of me every step of the way." The Empress said.

"No." Iname replied.

"And why is that?" The Empress asked.

"Because compared to me, you never really were that much of a threat in the first place." Iname said.

"You'd deliberately dedicate your all to vanquish me." The Empress spoke confidently.

"I devote nothing." Iname said. "After all, the only reason you keep losing to me and you'll always keep losing to me is that at the end of it all, you scheme and plan everything to fight yourself and not to fight me." he added in a soft whisper before stepping back from the Empress and then bowing his head.

The Emperor took hold of the princess in his hands and standing at the top of the balcony raised it up high in the sky.

Below the Soldiers and the Royal guards watching and appreciating the magnificent Spectre, the Emperor made his sound.

"By the grace of heaven that has been bestowed upon this our Imperial family, a new light has come to this our Yamato in the gift of this our very own child, Hooray, hooray to the Imperial Princess TOYOMIKE KASHIKI YA HIME, our Princess of Nara." The Emperor yelled.

"Hooray, Hooray for her." The congregation shouted in unison.

Katashishime looked at The Empress from the corner of her eyes as she smiled.

"This will mark the beginning to the future end of you. Your Majesty, this is my promise." Katashishime thought to herself.

"What, a Princess?" Umako asked his father as he sat down at the table on which he was seated.

"Yes." Iname replied.

"My sister gave birth to a Princess." Umako spoke with disbelief.

"Nevertheless, do not lose hope, I am certain that after today the Emperor shall never be the same with his wife for the rest of his life." Iname said.

"But father, it is not a girl that can inherit the Chrysanthemum throne." Umako said.

"That doesn't mean that she can't bear a successor for it after all, she is our flesh and blood at that." Iname said.

"Well said father, after all, family is power." Umako said.

"How was everything in my absentia?" Iname asked.

"As you had predicted father, every one was easily provoked and the Empress was all the more convinced that you'd certainly choose to either lose your arm to the Emperor or cut it off yourself." Umako replied.

"You have done a good job provoking them this far that they'd barely realise they have all been wonderful pieces to my game." Iname said.

"Though tell me father, how everything was in detail." Umako said.

"What do you expect?" Iname asked.

"Judging by your appearance without wounds,blood and casualties, there couldn't have been a war." Umako replied.

"Yes." Iname replied.

"How was that however when you marched with all those troops straight out of the capital?" Umako asked.

"My son, politics in it's own nature is in deed a very shrewd game and one which requires a very strong mind with a great deal of thinking and scheming. React according to the situation and respond distantly so as not to arouse any aggression from around." Iname replied as he ghastly smiled.

"You are smart father." Umako said.

"I have power." Iname replied. "Unlike any other person in the entire Yamato,my power doesn't come from the simple wits of ordinary people." He added.

Umako looked curious and puzzled at the same time.

"Where does your power come from father?" Umako asked.

"Why don't you take a guess." Iname replied.

"Heaven." Umako said.

"No." Iname replied.

"If not heaven then where then?" Umako asked.

"My power comes from me myself, an isolated island with unique thoughts living off the boats that sail towards me and not making my very own." Iname replied.

"You speak in riddles father." Umako said.

"Would you prefer I spoke in rhymes?" Iname scolded calmly though.

"No father." Umako replied.

"I had everything planned out from the very beginning, from the enemy army, troops attacking the capital and forcefully luring the Emperor out of the Capital, all of it was my doing.

I learnt that your sister would deliver soon and my every effort was dedicated to making the birth of her child unforgettable throughout the land.

A proper prediction and accurate calculation was all I needed to buy time on my side , colluded with shamans and understanding the weather of the season it wasn't that difficult for me to put my plan in motion.

I arranged a few man and these spread themselves out while carrying flags both in the North and in the South of the capital and once the guards on watch beheld the tall flags on their masts, they were quick to report the attack of a mobile enemy.

I had searched for a peak high enough and just when the brightest lightning came, all the masts despite being in the rain were drenched in oil and burnt, fake corpses of small pox victims that had been cremated put in that same vicinity.

I intentionally made sure that the Empress was hinted on this and where she looked to me and could see but a dead end I had fooled her that eventually, she made a public humiliation of your sister while on one hand, the Emperor eventually gave in to my demand to join the war.

I had hoped that the birth of the child would best be dramatic with the Advent of a boy but this girl herself in nature impresses me as I did nothing much but heaven greatly made it all believable." Iname said.

"Father, you are in deed the wisest man I have ever seen and I am certainly sure the Empress is not at rest now given that you provoked and challenged her this much." Umako said.

"Don't congratulate me yet, I am afraid that this war has only began, I might not entirely be here forever but you should remember, should you learn of the will of heaven, don't just aid it, consolidate it and make it yours, that way, you shall hamper the aspirations of all your foes." Iname said.

"What about the Imperial Princess father, what shall we do with her?" Umako asked.

"She is the most vital part of our plan because believe it or not, I beheld in her the supernatural, I can see there is greatness in her eyes and the heavens have great plans for her, moreso as a woman born into the inner court, she shall one day be the very person strong enough to contend with the might of the Empress.

"In your definition, she is...?" Umako asked.

"Yes, the Empress's very bane." Iname replied with a ghastly smile on his face.

"I can't believe it." The High Priestess said, " so that was Iname's plan all along." She added.

"Yes." The Empress replied. "Even it had never occurred to me that he could be this cunning to the extent that he'd actually use the heavens to an even greater effect than I possibly could." she added.

"And the Consort has become shrewd as well which is surprising, is there a possibility that she connived with her father as well to fool you all this time Your Highness?" The High Priestess asked.

"No way." The Empress replied. "Katashishime is only reacting out of over protectiveness towards her daughter from me and she has no ulterior motive unless just newly motivated by her father." she added.

"Everything is going wrong now Your Highness." The High Priestess said.

"Very many things have gone wrong in one whole night. I am very much afraid that after all these series of events, the influence of Iname in the Imperial court and the politics of this country are bound to florish on his side." The Empress said.

"He now has proven himself our greatest for so it is necessary that we be worried about him." The High Priestess said.

"No, not at all." The Empress spoke up.

"What?" The High Priestess questioned very much surprised by the Empress's reply.

"Iname is the very least of our worries." she replied.

"Why is it that you think so lightly of him Your Highness even after all that he has done to sabotage our plans?" The High Priestess asked.

"Iname thinks like no ordinary man and to contend with him we must think very much like him." The Empress replied.

"I am confused Your Highness." The High Priestess said.

"You shouldn't be." The Empress replied. " Come to think of it, Inane is aging and of course compared to me who is younger than him, he is a seasonal for intended to act as a distraction for us all from our main foe." She added.

"Then if not Iname, who could our greatest for certainly be?" The High Priestess asked.

"With the art of diversion that he has employed I am now in the position of calculating all his thoughts after tonight. We both in our respective ranks understand the true politics and that the only way of survival in the ordulous challenge we learn from the mistakes of other people." The Empress replied.

"Enlighten me Your Highness." The High Priestess said.

"Iname wants the Soga clan to possess all the power of the Chrysanthemum throne, to hampers it and to control it and his efforts would only go to waste if he left behind an incompetent successor to carry on his legacy.

That is the very nature of Iname and he is very careful when it comes to his plans which is why this time I trust that this is his primary objective after all it is the lion that teaches it's cub how to hunt." The Empress said.

"You're implying that...." The High Priestess was saying.

"Yes." The Empress confirmed. "Umako above all is the greatest foe that Iname is indirectly preparing for us." She added.