demon king ifrit chapter 1 page 6

{ Elizabeth And Ifrit Walking }

IFRIT: Hey Elizabeth, I have a question..

Elizabeth: Hmm...go ahead ask

IFRIT: Are there any other goddesses in his castle? or has he mentioned anything about other goddesses at all?

Elizabeth: Well... I dont really know because I was in their Prison cell captured and was about to be killed... until i got an opportunity to run, But I did hear that some Metatron god was supposed to be there in 3 days

IFRIT : Hmm Metatron The God of lightning, okay thats Good

Elizabeth: Why? What is your goal?

IFRIT: Before I didnt want to tell you because i had suspicions that you would tell Thanatos That im coming for him and then He'd run again...and then it would take me years to find him-

{ Elizabeth Cuts Ifrit Off}

Elizabeth : Sorry for cutting you off, but what do you mean he'd run? He's the God of death.. Are you that powerful to make a God of death fear you?

IFRIT: I am the strongest being that exists.. I've existed before all concepts of creation of space and time.. there is nothing i cannot do..

Elizabeth: So anything you wish to happen will happen?

IFRIT: Yes.. I decide what will remain a dream and what will be reality, I choose when and how something happens or doesn't happen.

Elizabeth: So that ability of yours allow's you to always have dominance over everything? and one more question.... But Who created you? Because us mortals were created by The god of creation and who were u created by?

IFRIT:that is correct...and I wasn't created, I just existed, and the only companion i had was the writer of this page

Elizabeth: what do you mean the writer of this page? all of this is so confusing * laughs*

IFRIT: Its Okay, you won't understand.

Elizabeth: Sorry to ask for this but...Can you promise something?

IFRIT: Hmm sure what is it?

Elizabeth: to protect me and not let me get killed by Thanatos

IFRIT: I promise, and even if you do die, i'll revive you, since i do control all concepts and principles and one of those concepts is death.

elizabeth: wait but is there a way to kill YOU?

IFRIT: No, im Truly immortal nothing in creation can even damage me, my immortality goes against all concepts of Logic.

{ Anti spirits Teleport}

Elizabeth:What the-

{Anti spirit grabs elizabeth and teleports away}

IFRIT: *Shouts* (No!)

IFRIT: * getting ready to use his speed to outrun the instance of the teleport*

IFRIT: *thinks*(Wait No,I cant use my speed, the energy pressure of my speed will erase all of existence and i dont want to take away so many innocent lives)

IFRIT: * tries sensing where the Anti spirit teleported*

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