
Kim muttered to herself as she looked at the girl, "Heh, just like that! I'm certainly different from your friend! I'm more powerful, handsome, charismatic, and don't forget that I'm also a prince."

"Is your friend handsome and attractive?" asked Kayora

"Yes, of course, he is attractive and handsome. But I don't want to be close to him even though we have been friends since childhood"


"Hah, because I don't want him to be ostracized like I am. In my country, a kid like me really doesn't deserve to be friends, what I mean is that no one wants to be friends with an indigo kid, weird and unlucky. I only have two friends, they're the same. like you!"

"Your friend is also a magician?"

"No, what I mean is that they are also a woman just like you. Sometimes they like to fight with each other, they have different views",

"Well that's good, are you going to invite them here later?"