The Healer

Yei walked further onto the center of the town, the street was full of people. Yei also notices that there's a lot of vendors on the side of the street, promoting their own goods. It was very lively here and somehow Yei feels not fit in this world society.

As Yei was once a loner, an introvert that doesn't really like to go out that much. Being out here feels really weird for her as she feels the need to hide. Plus the eyes of the crowds that were staring at Yei because she was piggybacking Elina. It has drawn too much attention to Yei thus making her much more uncomfortable.

"They all are looking at us..." Elina said that as she notices it as well.

"Of course, we're standing out from the rest of the crowds."

But Yei can't just put down Elina on the ground and ask her to walk, that would make Elina's leg condition worsen. The best that Yei could do was to increase her speed and deliver Elina to the healer place as quickly as possible.

Elina had told Yei that the healer place was on the right after they had entered the marketplace area. With the direction being given, Yei follows the instruction and soon. They're both finally in front of the healer's house.

There's one problem, it seems like entering the healer's house. Yei needed to line up like the rest of the people. They're all sick people obviously as there's no way they would be lining up to get into the healer house.

"I thought we would be able to enter immediately but it seems like we need to line up," Yei said.

"Or we could just skip it..."

"Are you crazy!? Doing that will just ignite the anger with the people that had been waiting patiently."

"There's no need to worry about that, most of the people here know who I am . Besides, I know who the healer is."

"Of course you know who the healer is, just like everyone else. Who wouldn't know the person that helps the sick people."

"No, what I mean is I know the healer as I'm friends with him. So we can cut the queue up."

Even after hearing that, Yei was still hesitant whether she wanted to cut the line. She feels like doing that would just cause both of them some trouble. What Yei fear the most was the people here blaming her instead of Elina by thinking that it was Yei's idea to cut the queue.

"You really think that's a good idea, Elina? You know that people will be dissatisfied with you and me as well, cutting their queue just like that."

"As I said, it would be no problem... Besides, we will be there in a jiffy."

"Well remember that this is your idea so if anything happens, you should shoulder the responsibility on your own. As I did try to warn you."

"No worry," Elina said that.

With that Yei decided to just follow what Elina had said, she went straight ahead to the front door and there's a person in charge of the queue. When Yei was about to enter, the man did stop her but after seeing Elina. The man quickly let both of them enter without saying anything.

Yei did turn to take a glance at the people and realize that none of them were angry at all. It was weird and Yei began to think that Elina was more than just an acolyte. Elina must be from a well-known family.

"My friend should be in one of the rooms, can't remember where... just search for it," Elina said.

As Yei walked inside the place, she could smell the medicine in the place. She then walked further and realize that there's a lot of herbs and some jars containing some liquid on the shelves. Most of the things Yei could recognize as they're part of the item from Chronicle Legacy.

"Just drink the brew I made two times a day, your throat would surely feel better." A male sound coming from the room ahead. He then shouts. "Okay next patient!"

Yei knows that she had found the room that she been searching for and it's time for the both of them to enter the room. When Yei enter the room, a man was sitting on a bench. That man was pretty young and Yei guesses that his age was somewhat close to Elina.

The moment the man sees Elina, he quickly stands up from his seat.

"Elina! What happens to you!?" The man said that looking pretty worried.

"I just sprained my ankle while trying to gather some flowers, there's nothing to worry Tim."

"Nothing!? You place Elina down... I will start to heal it immediately."

With that, Yei puts down Elina slowly as she doesn't want to cause any more injuries to her. Tim took a glass bottle that contained something green inside from the rack behind him when I was putting down Elina. Tim then approaches Elina and squats down to see Elina's injuries much more closely.

After a few seconds of inspection, Tim then said a few words. "You're quite lucky Elina, this could be healed without no time. I thought I would need to use my herbs but I think I would just heal you up with a basic heal spell."

"That's good then, so how much do I need to pay you."

"Nah, we're friends and I know that you're trying to gather the Flower of Eve for me right?"

"I just trying to-"

Before Elina could say a word, she was cut by Tim. "I know you're meant to help but there's no need for you to trouble yourself in my problem. Besides, you do hear that the field has become dangerous nowadays... you yourself know the fact that you can't fight, let me handle this alone and hire some adventurers when I have enough gold to spare."

Yei notices that there's something that she doesn't know. But she does realize that this wasn't her problem at all. So there's no need to interfere in this matter as this was between Elina and Tim.