Updated Monsters

"Ah, the field of wildflowers... How nostalgic."

Took me several hours just to arrive in this place, I could have arrived here sooner if I wasn't that distracted by the scenery that I saw along the way. It was so beautiful...

The last time I walked past the area, I couldn't admire it or take my time seeing it off as I was too busy carrying Elina. I was so worried about her that I couldn't think of anything else back then. So with the time that I have at the moment, I used this opportunity to see all the places that could be seen as I walked towards the field of wildflowers.

When I had finally arrived at the field of wildflowers, I realized that I had no idea where I should start and of course I didn't even know the layout of the field. Because of that, I feel like I might get lost in this place yet again.

"Hmm, I need to make a trail behind but what should I do?"

For a few minutes I sit down at the entrance thinking of a way but I get nothing at all. Because I was too lazy to think anymore, I decided that this would be dealt with later on after I found the Flower of Eve. So with that, I proceed to enter the field of wildflowers.

As I don't know where I should start looking, I wander around the field of wildflowers aimlessly. Hoping that I would encounter something interesting or the flower itself.

If I remember correctly from what I had read in the book given by Tim, the Flower of Eve has white petals and its shape was a little bit different compared to the rest of the flowers. So noticing it would sure to be no problem but if only I could find that flower.


This place was huge just like what I expected it would... I'm feeling kinda dumb for not asking about the map of this place while I was in the town before. As it would surely help me navigate through this field of wildflower a lot easier.

But I suppose I couldn't do anything about that anymore. The best I could do was just go based on my intuition only and if I somehow screw it up... then I would be doomed at that moment because I am already lost.

Still, it didn't happen as I could still remember the way back to exit this place, so that means I am still safe... for now at least.

As I walked further- I noticed that I have not encountered any wolves or any kind of monsters yet, which makes me feel a little bit weird. Because all of the people said that this place was dangerous and full of monsters, but I didn't even see one at all.

"Maybe the monsters are shy to strangers or newcomers like me..." I laugh as I keep on walking.

Well, there's another reason that I could think about, that this field of wildflower probably wasn't that dangerous and full of monsters like the people of Gria Town thought it be. Maybe there's just one person that came out here and overreacted the whole thing up. Thus making up fake rumors...

There wasn't much to see here, the scenery was basically the same- But suddenly I heard something, a strange sound coming from behind me. I quickly turn around to see but there's nothing at all. I am sure that I heard a sound...

"My imagination perhaps?"




I take my dagger as I turn behind, this time I was sure that there's something behind me because my stats scaling suddenly selected a monster. The stats scaling could only detect a monster within a 20-meter radius so the monster was near me.

The monster was Fogriun, wasn't that a high-level monster. What is doing in this place... it should be in a place where there's no sun at all. As one of the Fogriun weaknesses was being exposed to sunlight, it wouldn't kill them but just weaken them. Still, Fogriun shouldn't be out here at this time.

"Come you monster! You think you can hide from me... face me!"


Finally, the monster did show itself. The name in my system clearly says it was a Fogriun but this wasn't the monster that I knew. It is supposed to be a lot smaller compared to this one... There's only one possible reason for all of this, as this was the updated version of the monster.

This would be a tricky fight... if Fogriun didn't only get an appearance overhaul but also a skills overhaul. That will put me at a huge disadvantage. But from what I have seen at the moment, I think the monster Fogriun did get some changes in that department.

All the skills that I possess right now are basically nothing compared to the monster. My stats also wouldn't help much as it is still pretty identical with the Fogriun stats.

I need to be careful or else I would surely be killed by this monster...

With that, I use the strategy that most players use when they encounter this monster. That was to go ahead and try to strike the Fogriun, as the monster didn't have that fast movement because it lacks the dexterity stats... The only thing that helped the monster hard to get hit was the invisibility skill it had.

I lunged towards the monster and I was surprised how fast I was able to move, that means- My stats in dexterity were quite high and so was the Fogriun.

Because I had a 1% advantage boost on my stats, the Fogriun had nearly gotten a hit from my dagger, but unfortunately, the monster was able to disappear...

The monster was still lingering around me as the stats scaling didn't revert my stats to the original.

"This ought to be a problem..." Yet I'm smiling.