Useless Conversation

Elina calms herself down for a moment as she is literally crying when she's hugging me a moment ago. Seeing that, I realize that Elina does indeed worry about my safety a lot.

Maybe she felt the guilt of sending me there to the field of wildflowers to get the Flower of Eve. Elina is the one that tells her friend that I could do it and recommend I take the job.

But I don't think she needs to blame herself that much. Because the reason why I do this job was to prove that I was indeed on level 60, my boasting was the one that leads to this all. If I just am honest at that time, I'm sure no one would pressure me to take the job at all.

Yet after all I went through in the field, I think it's a valuable experience for me- to know about the world, and also gain some new information and skills as well.

Well, when I think about it... I didn't think that I got frightened when I was there. What was on my mind was to encounter a monster so that I could level up easily, so the thought of me dying by a monster was completely out of my mind at that time.

Even when I encounter the Rozett for the first time, there isn't a fear... The only thing I felt was disgust as I don't really like to see junk all of the time. Of course, there's when I realize that I might have plot armor and I basically can't be killed by anyone.

So all of my thoughts of dying basically had gone as I know I will survive no matter what.


After a few minutes... Elina had calmed down as the tears had stopped falling. She then asks me whether I am fine or not.

"Didn't you hear? I practically said it numerous times already and with me being here in the town, so I bet you could guess what the answer is?"

Why do Elina need to ask that question yet again, the answer was already laid out in front of her.

"Still... there's a chance that you get an injury so that's why I am asking this question."

I then turned around for Elina to see whether I got any injuries or not, as I knew she wouldn't believe me until she saw it herself.

"No injuries... so there's no need for you to worry. I am way too strong for those monsters there to give me real trouble."

"I know you're on level 60 but still there's a monster that the townspeople said is-"

"Elina, it's just a rumor that these people spread around. How could they know if they never went in there at all, isn't that place off limits now?"

"How do you know the place is off limits... That order was made right after you went into the field. So there's no way you could know that."

"I heard it from the people of the Azure Templar order, I met one of their members and she told me about the field situation at the moment."

When I mentioned the Azure Templar, Elina's face was in shock as if she couldn't believe what she had heard from me.

"Wait?! You met one of them... you're really lucky Yei."

"Lucky? Why are they just normal human beings like us?"

"I do wonder sometimes where you even come from for you not to be excited about this kind of stuff..."

Well of course I am not excited as I basically know nothing about the Azure Templar in this world. What it does or the legend around it... but even if I know, literally there's nothing to be hype about as like I said. All of them were just normal human beings. Probably there's some beast-man in the order but I doubt it would make me excited at all.

"I do come from a place far away from here so I know a little about them... So tell me then why you're so shocked when I said I met one of them." I said that towards Elina.

"You simply don't understand, it's such an honor to meet them... the people like us can't approach them unless there's an important matter to talk about." Elina said, "I also heard that they rarely talk to people as well so for one the member is having a conversation with you, nobody is really shocked."

When I think about it, the first encounter between Miya and me doesn't go that smoothly. As she's a pretty snob... but all of that attitude of hers changed after I showed her my fighting skills upon the Fogriun. Miya then was very open to me and began to treat me differently after all of that.

So I suppose what Elina told me might be right, the people of the Azure Templar might be hard to have a conversation with as they will be looking down on us. Unless they know that the one they're talking to was on the same level as them.

"I see but I don't think they're really that hard to talk with, as I was able to have a rather smooth conversation with one of their members while I was in the area," I said that towards Elina.

"Really!? You talk to one of their members... How did you do that, because even the town elder was having a hard time requesting their help to clear out the monster in the field."

"Maybe because I fight alongside that particular member against a few Fogriun and one Rozett. So that somehow makes us close with each other..."

"Is that true!?..."

"I am being honest here and I will never tell a lie... I could-"

Elina quickly cut in, "No, there's no need for that. I just had doubts before as I never saw your official level yet but if you managed to fight a Fogriun and a Rozett. You're indeed on level 60 and above..."