Others Topics

Somehow the conversation was something that I didn't expect at all. But talking about this topic isn't something that I like to do at all...

Of course, there's still no certainty that Caen does like me. I know Elina and Caen were siblings but sometimes not all of the action is predicted by the other sibling... So I wouldn't say that Caen has fallen in love with me just for that reason only.

"That's why I think-"

"Elina? Could we talk about a different subject than this... I'm quite uncomfortable talking about love matters at the moment."

I said that with a rather serious tone as I know if I just say it normally, I doubt that Elina would drop the subject off just like that. As I'm sure Elina would press on this matter for as long she could go.

Hearing how serious I am, Elina finally agrees to change the subject of our conversation at the moment.

"Sure but what do you want to talk about, Yei?"

"How about-"


After a few minutes of boring conversation regarding Tim, the one that requested the Flower of Eve. It seems like he was still doing fine but of course, there's some pressure being put on him at the moment by the people working under the earl. At least that's what Elina told me about Tim's situation right now.

So with that, I suggest that I should deliver the Flower of Eve right away. But surprisingly Elina refuses as she said that it was already pretty late and the sun would soon set.

"It's just nighttime, I don't think Tim would be sleeping already."

"No, it's not about that. Recently there seems to be a lot of young girls gone missing in the town, especially at night... so it's best for you to not go out at that time."

When Elina mentioned that, I recalled one of the guards who had told me about these cases before. To think that it had gotten a lot worse in just a few days...

I then remember about the girl with the red dress before, I wonder what had happened to her as I am sure she also had been abducted by those people before. I could just pray for her safety right at the moment.

"You seem to be thinking about something?" Elina asked.

I immediately responded, "Nothing... I have just been wondering if the town guards have a clue already regarding the disappearance of the young girls."

"Oh!.. For now, the town guards don't have any information at all. So the best they could do was to increase security and advise people not to go out at night." Elina then continues, "That's also the reason why they didn't send people into the field to exterminate the monsters there..."

Well, that does make sense, if they dispatch some town guards to the field. The security in the town would be a lot worse and there might be a lot more cases happening as there are not enough guards patrolling the town.


Listening to Elina's advice, I ought to stay at her house for this night only. It's not like I am scared if I happen to encounter them but I doubt that I would win the fight as my stats scaling wouldn't work on the kidnappers as I am sure that they are humans.

So to avoid bad things happening, it's best for me to just be here for the day.

"Would your parents be bothered by my presence at the house?" I asked Elina.

"I don't think that would be the case, my father is a knight captain so he rarely comes home. My mother on the other hand welcomes guests greatly and for that, I advise you to stay away from her."

"Why? Is your mother going to do something bad to me..."

"Of course not... it's just that my mother would preach about her teachings of Auslosha to you until you're sick of hearing it."

"Is that it? It doesn't sound that bad... I think it would be great for me at least to know about the Faith of Auslosha." I replied.

It would be good for me to hear about the teachings of Auslosha from a person that ranks as the High Priest. So for sure, I will get a lot of important information from that, as I'm still learning about this world after all.

"But still, aren't you an acolyte of Auslosha... Isn't it a bit weird for you to be saying that about your faith?" I said that towards Elina.

"Well, I'm the acolyte..." Elina paused for a bit, "It's just when I was a child, mother always talks about that and reduces my playtime. So I had less time to play with the people around my age but when I grew up I began to understand her intention, she just wanted me to succeed her as the High Priest."

"And you okay with that?"

"At first, my answer was no but after I gave it a thought for a few years... I do want to be like my mother so with that I enlist as an acolyte."

"I see, that's good for you then."

"How about, Yei? What are you going to do after this?" Elina asked me that kind of question.

Well if Elina asked me this question earlier, for sure I would just answer to becoming an adventurer or something like that.

I already made up my mind of what I wanted to do after this... that was to set up my own business in this world, that will provide expert leveling service. Just like what I used to do in my old world...

But of course, I couldn't possibly tell that as I am sure Elina would just get confused by that. Even her brother Caen doesn't know what I am talking about when I mention leveling service. So I think it would be best for me to just keep it simple towards Elina.

"Me? I think I just wanted to open my own shop..." I said that.