Auslosha Faith (I)

With that all of the introduction done, it's finally my turn to ask some questions regarding the Auslosha Faith. The moment I asked about that stuff, Elina's mother was quite excited when she heard about it.

I suppose what Elina said earlier might be true after all. Her mother does like this sort of thing...

"Is the reason you ask because you're interested in becoming an acolyte of Auslosha?"

"No, I'm simply curious, that's all. As I had no faith so-"

"What!? Do you mean you don't believe in God?" Elina's mother said that in surprise.

Well, that's just me. I'm more of a science guy, to be honest, but I'm sure Elina's mother wouldn't understand what I meant by that. So I choose to say it with a simpler term...

"Kinda... because I have never seen God's miracle in front of my eyes so I doubt the existence of God."

"I see, if you don't believe in God's existence... why would you wanted to know about Auslosha Faith."

"As I said, I am curious about it."

"If that is the case, I should tell you from the beginning about the God Auslosha. Maybe if you heard about it, you might change your opinion about God's existence after this..."

I do want to know who's actually the one that sends that email to me. The only hint that I know so far was that being was definitely a God... because it does say it in's email clearly.

Also, I might learn my real purpose in this world after all.

Thus Sania then begins her story about the God Auslosha and how people start to devote themselves to Auslosha. I listen really carefully as I don't want to miss out on any important detail here.



The mortal world was plunged into chaos when the spirits were exiled from the heavenly plane or what the mortal called God Realms. All of that was because of one spirit fault, he was called Exnor...

What Exnor tried to do was to kill the Gods in the God Realms and absorb their power, to become a God himself. Of course, killing a God wasn't easy as a spirit is weaker than God.

So Exnor made a plan by killing the other spirits and getting their power. At that time, the Gods didn't notice Exnor's behavior at first but after many important spirits went missing... The Gods began to act but it was already too late as Exnor had already amassed a huge amount of power.

He even admits that he's the one that does all of that. Exnor also made it clear that he was going to kill the Gods and become the last Gods to ever exist. Yet the Gods were an arrogant being and think they could defeat Exnor easily as he's a spirit after all.

But that's not the case for The God Auslosha, she tried to warn the other Gods to unite their strength as Exnor is a threat to them.

None of the other Gods heed Auslosha's warning and thus one by one... the Gods were killed by Exnor as he was becoming stronger and stronger each time he killed a God. The other Gods were unable to stop Exnor's killing streak and thus only a handful of Gods remain, of which all of them hold a tremendous amount of power.

They were among the ones to consider the top among the top. As the remaining Gods was, Vaxnos, the God of Time. Exara, the God of Death. Urism, God of Destiny. Elir, God of Logic.

Those four supreme Gods decided that to stop the chaos in the heavenly plane and to stop Exnor to become much stronger. The Gods make up their minds to banish Exnor and the other spirits to the mortal plane... that was Arenia.

The Gods were afraid that the other spirits would attempt to do the same things as Exnor. So they didn't want to take the risk and they also banished the rest of the spirits.

Still, it wasn't an easy task for the Gods to banish Exnor as he was so close to becoming a God himself. So the Gods laid a trap, that was to make Exnor lower his guard down and cast the Banishment on him while he was unaware.

But for that trap to work, they needed another God's cooperation. Yet none of the remaining Gods dared to become the bait as they didn't want to be killed and get their power stolen by Exnor if it did go wrong.

Luckily there's one brave God that is willing to become the bait to stop the chaos that happens in the God Realms. That was the God Auslosha...

So with God Auslosha's help, the other Gods managed to cast the Banishment of Exnor and all of the spirits as well. But-



While Elina's mother was still explaining the history of the World of Arenia. She was interrupted by Caen that suddenly entered the living room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I do need your signature here mother..." Caen said as he gave the paperwork in his hand to his mother.

Sania apologized to me as she had to stop the explanation for this. She said this is important paperwork so she needs to go and sign it...

"Please wait... it only takes a couple of minutes."

"Sure, just take your time." I simply replied that.

Well, that's a bummer, when it's just about to get interesting. But again, I am surprised that Elina's mother knows a lot about the history but I suppose that was because she's the High Priest after all. Of course, she would have this kind of knowledge.

Other Gods do exist, but why would Elina tell me that Neus doesn't exist when we both first met. As she does say that it was a false God... It's a bit weird.

I guess the reason was maybe that Neus doesn't get a mention in the story at all...