
"Are you just joking with me or-"

"No! I am serious... would you want to go out with me?" Caen said that while looking very serious.

I can't deny that he indeed likes me... but I can't still figure out why he wanted to go out with someone like myself. As I don't have anything to offer, I broke and I can't consider myself a cute girl because of my physique. So it's really weird how Caen was able to like me.

"I don't know-" Before I could even finish.

Caen feels down immediately, as he said. "I see, I suppose my intuition was right... There's no way you wanted a weak guy like me... of course, you do prefer strong guys like those knights."

Really!? How could he possibly think that... I haven't even finished my sentence yet. Well, I guess this is what man always thought of anyway... the worst possible, a straight rejection from the girl they like.

"Hey! I didn't say that, don't make your own conclusion earlier... I never said that I had rejected you."

"So that means you agree to go out with me?" Caen said that.

I should have just gone on with that and all of this charade will be over. But I don't know why I don't feel like doing that, maybe because I had experienced similar things before. Despite no one ever confessing to me, I once confessed to a girl that I had a crush on back when I was still working in that shitty company.

It still pains me when I remember that... that girl is also one of the reasons why I quit the company. I couldn't stand being humiliated as I am sure that the girl I confess my love to would be spreading words about my rejection.

So that's why I didn't want Caen to feel the same way as I do. Even though I will still be rejecting him, but at least not in the harsh way that I had received. It would still cause him pain but he wouldn't be receiving a lot of damage...

"No..." I paused for a bit, "It's just I don't know you well yet, of course, the same could be said with you... so I think we should get to know each other first before I could be answering that."

That's my plan of course... a plan for Caen to see my unladylike behavior. For sure that Caen wouldn't see the same anymore and with that his feelings for me would be gone. So what I just needed to do was to show my bad side towards him.

"I see, that's reasonable I guess... Well, how about we go out to the town tomorrow as that-"

"Sorry Caen, I had other plans tomorrow... It's an important business."

What bad timings for Caen... but isn't it quite fast to be going on a date already. Well, I suppose that's the only way for us to get to know each other well. But surely there should be another way...

"How about the next-"

"Again, I'm sorry as I do need to do a lot of stuff... my schedule is pretty much booked this time around."

I couldn't possibly waste my time on a date right now, as I need to grind to get 5000 gold coins to get citizenship. There's still the adventurer exam that I needed to take... I would be really busy when I think about it.

Still, it somehow makes me feel alive as I finally had an objective... Feels like the time when I was grinding the customer account by doing a bunch of things. So I should be able to do it just fine as I am already used to that kind of stuff.

"So when do you have free time then?"

"Probably not in this couple of months..." I simply said that as I am sure that grinding 5000 gold coins would at least take that much time.

"Are you trying to avoid going out on a date with me... that's why you're trying to create-"

"Seriously... Don't jump to your own conclusion again. I am busy, you could ask Elina about what I'm trying to do at the moment, surely after you heard it you would finally understand the reason why."

"Really?" Caen said that.

"Yes, I am indeed busy but when I have a free day... I would be sure to inform you about it earlier."

"Okay then, I believe you Yei," Caen said.

With all of that done, Caen resumed to give me a tour of the part of the house that had the armor on display. It's pretty awkward, to be honest, but I know that both of us were trying to act as naturally as possible. Trying to pretend that the conversation earlier didn't happen at all.


There's indeed some interesting armor here but none of them were rare... as it was easily obtainable in the game. Some of them were real though and some are fake just like the Narma Crusaders Silver Armor. But I don't say anything on that as I just don't want to add trouble towards Caen.

As for there's a lot in his mind right now, not just thinking about me but also his works as well...

Because we had seen all of the armor in the house, there's nothing else to be done. But it was pretty late already so Caen excused himself by asking whether I knew my way to the guest room or not. I simply replied that I had no idea that Caen become a gentleman and show me the way.

The guest room was upstairs... As we arrived, Caen gently opened the door of the guest room and it was such a nice room. It had a big bed, I could tell that it was comfy just by giving a glance... So I would expect that I will be getting a good night's sleep using that bed.

Hope that I can wake up the next morning as it was kinda an important day...