Getting My Level Check!

Still, I am not used to all of the glare that I had gotten from the people that are currently waiting in line. Yet, it's just a glare so I could manage that, if they started to speak up... for sure I would be having a hard time maintaining my regular composure.

As we walked a bit far from Tim's area... Elina started to ask me a question regarding my next move.

"I think that would be taking the adventurer exam... that's all I need to do for now at least, there's no need for me to think about the next stuff if I don't manage to pass the adventurer exam."

"Surely you would pass the exam with ease, you're level 60..." Elina paused for a bit, "When I give it a thought, you might even pass without taking the exam altogether if you get your level check that is."

"So you're saying I need to use the Eyes Crystal?"

"Yes, that should make things easier as I doubt they would want you to take the test if you're already that strong."

"I see, that kinda makes sense... what's the point of testing someone that is clearly powerful already, as the result would be the same." I simply said that.

"So? Should we get your level check then, Yei?" Elina said.

Deep inside I realize something, that it would be better for me to take the exam anyway. As if I got my level check, for sure people would know my real level. But the method that Elina told me about was quite good, to be honest... maybe I should tell her the truth after all.

Elina was a nice girl and I am sure she would understand my reason for this matter. Besides, it's not good for me to keep on this lie... because the more I kept doing, the harder it would be for me to explain everything.

I do consider Elina as my friend so I don't want her to start having trust issues with me...

"Sure, let's do it... Elina, show me the way to that place, as I had no idea where that place was."


With that, both of us headed to the place where people get their level check. Apparently, the place was in the Temple district... a district which I never even visited before. So it was kinda exciting for me to be able to explore that place.

Yet that feeling was subdued by the fear of getting my level check. As I can't help to think that Elina would see me as a different person after knowing my current level. I could just hope that everything went well and things would still be the same between me and Elina.

As we're still on our way there... I ask Elina whether getting the level check is required to get citizenship in this town.

"It's an important requirement, so getting your level check earlier is a good move Yei."

"Okay... I am curious about one thing, how's the Eyes Crystal actually look like and how is it able to check people's level?"

"How's it look... well it's just like its name. An eye with a crystal cover, it's quite small actually." Elina paused, "No one ever knows how it was able to do it but you could feel the eyes' presence gazing upon you when you get your level check."

Hearing that explanation doesn't seem to help me imagine what the eye crystal would look like... as it was a pretty vague explanation. I guess I will know when I arrive at that place.

As we entered the Temple District, the buildings here were quite different from the other districts in the towns. Because most of them had the symbol of Auslosha in the front of the buildings. I kinda could guess why this part of the town was called the Temple District already.

People in this district must have a very strong devotion towards Auslosha Faith...

But what caught my attention the most was the people that were wearing white robes in this place... most of them were hiding their faces using the same kind of eye mask.

"Who's those people..." I pointed my finger at one of the people there.

"That's an acolyte, people that wear the robe and the eyes mask," Elina said.

"Really?! So why aren't you in one right now." I ask Elina that question as Elina said that she was an acolyte as well.

"We only wear them while we're working in the Temple District and the reason why I am not wearing one today was that I am having a day off..."

"I understand now..." I paused for a bit, "Is being an acolyte hard?"

"Not really but it's tiring, but all jobs are tiring right? I am blessed I got this opportunity to be an acolyte, as I could help those that are losing their way in life."

"But how much is the wage of being an acolyte?"

"I couldn't really say how much it's based on your performance if you did a lot of tasks... your pay would be a lot. But the minimum is around 250 gold per month I would say"

250 per month was quite a lot of gold, to be honest...

"That's a lot! So do adventurers earn a lot more than your wage?"

I asked Elina that question as I wanted to know whether being an adventurer really the best for me to rack up the golds needed to get citizenship. As it would be kinda pointless being an adventurer if it doesn't pay more than other jobs in the town.

"I am not sure about adventurers but from what I heard that they made more than 250 gold in a month... but only if you could take the risk of doing a very hard quest that is," Elina said.

"That's good to hear then..." I simply said that to Elina.

So all I needed to do was to work hard... just like any other job.