Back At Liala's Inn

We toured the marketplace for around an hour or so... we ate so much stuff and went to a lot of stalls around the marketplace. I do realize while we're at it, Lily's mood seems to have lightened up a bit as her face begins to cheer up a lot more than before. 

After we have done all that, I think I will go to Elina's place earlier as I don't want to spend too much on renting out a room at the inn but then I realize that... probably there will be nobody at the house as they're all currently busy working at the temple. 

So without any other choice, the inn would be the only place to go for the time being. 


When we are finally there, I realize how much I miss this place already. It's much more lively than Lamda Town inn and of course- the people that work here are more friendly as well. But of course, this place would only be full near midnight. 

As I enter Liala Innkeep-