The Night Before?

Shiki does look a bit guilty, "I'm quite sorry about that... I have no other choice but to go all out since I'm fighting someone that's stronger than me." 

Someone stronger than the shadow creeper? That's a bit surprising as I thought street thugs weren't that powerful and the shadow creeper should be having no problem defeating them at all. 

"Stronger than you... But you did defeat him right?" I ask him that question. 

"Sadly I failed to defeat their leader, as he had fled away before I could finish him off," Shiki said. 

Hearing about that makes me think that only their leader is so powerful that he could give Shiki a good fight. No wonder Shiki had to go all out fighting that guy... still it's impressive to know that someone that is a criminal could become that strong. 

I should be really careful then because I know that person would be roaming the streets at night. 

"That's kinda unfortunate then, but do you see their leader's face?"