Ch. 24 Back To The Past

Vasili smiled happily that another fellow ruler of the realm had managed to turn back time and bring him back to what happened twenty years ago.

"Uncle, a Prussian ambassador, submitted a marriage proposal to Princess Meisya. Did uncle accept it? I heard that Princess Meisya is very beautiful…". The boy couldn't continue his word when Vasili approached him and lifted his body.

Alexis shrieked in surprise but then laughed with amusement at his uncle's exaggerated joyful attitude. Not long after, the boy was embarrassed and asked to be put down.

After all, he was no longer a five-year-old child. Soon he will have his tenth birthday!

Why is his uncle still treating him like a baby?

"I am back. I can't believe I went back in time."

"Uncle Vasili?"

As if he couldn't hear what the boy said, Vasili continued, "This time, I will not repeat the same mistakes." Vasili put the boy down at last and ruffled the puzzled boy's hair.

"Ha?" Alexis was confused by his uncle's words. Did his uncle hit his head? Why couldn't he understand his uncle's remark even though he heard his uncle speaking Russian? "What about Princess Meisya?"

"Princess Meisya? What's wrong with Princess Meisya?"

"Hhhh​​..." Alexis sighed cutely because he had to repeat his announcement. It seemed that his uncle didn't hear his first sentence at all.

Seeing Alexis's adorable behavior made Vasili smile sadly. How cute Alexis was in his childhood. He had no idea that Alexis would grow up full of grudges and put aside his love for Chleo.

This time he would make sure not to make Alexis live the same life. He didn't want Alexis to grow up full of hatred and plot revenge.

"The royal ambassador of Prussia has just come and submitted a marriage proposal with you."


Vasili remembered this proposal. The arranged marriage between the Peskhov family and one of the Heinest Princesses. People say Princess Meisya Heinest was the most beautiful woman in this world.

In the past, Vasili did not respond to this proposal. He decided to see what Princess Meisya was like before he gave them an answer. He used his teleport ability and shortly arrived at Princess Meisya's private chamber hall.

It's true what people say. It seemed beautiful is an understatement to describe the princess' beauty. Not only beautiful, but her manner was also graceful and elegant. The way she spoke, the way she walked made everyone acknowledge her as a royal princess.

At that time, Vasili knew she wasn't the one. Princess Meisya wasn't his fated one as he didn't feel any attraction to the princess.

It just so happened that Alexsei liked Meisya, so Vasili let Alexsei replace him. At that time, he did not know that Alexsei would justify any means to marry Meisya to get more reign to get rid of him.

But now he was back in the past, the blue king did not need to see the princess after hearing this arranged marriage. He immediately responds to the Prussian ambassador. He would not accept this match because, in his heart, there is already another woman—an American girl. Of course… that girl was still immature, and he had to wait until the day of their meeting.

Unfortunately... in the end, Alexsei still replaced him and became Princess Meisya's fiancé. This made him wonder, was the final result the same even though he made different decisions?

Vasili did not worry about it too much because the matter of the matchmaking with Princess Meisya was entirely insignificant for him.

That day Alexis was reading ancient mythology in the family room. The great Lord Peskhov and Vasili were also there, hearing the boy reading aloud.

It had become a habit for Alexis to read on school holidays in the company of her grandfather and uncle. Before this, the late Mrs. Peskhov had also accompanied them, but unfortunately... she passed away a few months ago.

To encourage and entertain his aging grandfather, Alexis always accompanied Lord Peskhov and read his favorite books. Due to his advanced age, Lord Peskhov's eyesight had decreased considerably.

Moreover, his wife left him, and his health became worse.

Fortunately, Vasili and Alexis accompanied him so that the older man wouldn't feel lonely and depressed for the loss.

While hearing Alexis's reading, a servant arrived to give an emergency report.

"Great master, young master. Something happened to Mr. Alexsei. He's sending out a distress signal."

Lord Zigfried Peskhov sighed at that. How many times had his nephew sent him a distress signal?

"What problem is he creating this time?"

"Looks like someone is hunting Mr. Alexsei."

Lord Zig held his head which hurt at this news.

"Father, let me take care of it." offered Vasili to make his adoptive father's expression relaxed.

"Sorry, I'm always bothering you."

The servants were already used to hearing Zigfried's highly respectful tone of voice toward Vasili, so they were no longer surprised. Sometimes they wonder why Mr. Zig was even so respectful of Vasili, who was only an adopted son.

Having been trained not to gossip about the masters, they decide to keep quiet and focus on their respective jobs.

Vasili contacted one of his men to find out where Alexsei was. Then he sent an email to one of his American business associates... Vincentius Regnz.

In the past, when he got the news that someone was hunting Alexsei, he only sent his men to protect Alexsei. He had no idea that Alexsei was using his men to kidnap Chleo, making the child's life change drastically. Nor did he know who was hunting Alexsei and didn't want to find out.

But now... because he has future memories, he won't repeat the same actions. That's why he emailed Vincent, who he knew was good friends with Hunter, the invincible hacker. Vincent did ask the reason, but Vasili only gave an ambiguous answer.

He gave orders to his men to bring Alexsei back to Ukraine, even with compulsion. He would not let Alexsei get involved in the politics of the Heinest kingdom any deeper. Neither would he allow Alexsei to come into the life of his future wife's life.

"Uncle, will you be okay?"

Vasili looked down to see young Alexis looking at him with a worried look. This kid didn't know his father's real nature. Vasili and Zyg always say good things so that this boy wouldn't grow up hating his father.

Who would have thought... precisely because of this, Alexis loved and respected his father too much so that he grew a grudge that could not be revoked once he found his father's killer.

"Alexis, I have something to talk to you about. How about we talk in the fish pond?"

Alexis nodded enthusiastically at his offer.