Ch. 26 The Yellow King

St. Petersburg was pretty bustling that day. Maybe because this city was the main transportation hub so that this city was always active. Some sat on the edge of the fountain, and some were busy negotiating prices. And most of them were busy with their gadgets while walking without looking around.

That day two strangers were walking towards each other. One was a woman in her mid-twenties, while the latter was a man in his early thirties.

The two were a total stranger to each other who happened to walk like any other pedestrian. Yet, someone sat not too far from them and planned something for them.

The person siphoned his drink with a straw with a cheerful gaze waiting for the two strangers who would soon meet.

The woman carried a pile of work papers while the man was talking through his Bluetooth headset. The man didn't look his path as his eyes focused on his mini-laptop size tablet.

The snooper raised one hand and then twisted his finger so that it formed a fist.

At the same time, a small visible wind tornado appeared between the two strangers. The pile of papers carried by the maiden flew erratically made the girl panic. Fortunately, the man who saw her helped the girl collect the flying documents.

Miraculously, the paper did not fly far and only flew near them so they could collect all of them in no time.

The maiden felt grateful to her savior, and when the girl was about to leave, the snooper opened his fist once again, creating a visible wind wave that stomped the girl's body.

The girl lost her balance and would have fallen if her savior didn't help her. However... their current position... was exactly like a pair of dancers dancing the tango.

The girl's body was half lying in the man's arm, while one leg lifted in the air because before, she had nearly fallen backward as if her leg had slipped on something. The man held the girl's body with his two bulky arms, which seemed to be hugging her rather than helping her.

Their two faces were so close that they could feel each other's breath. Both their eyes were also not diverted as if hypnotized by the eyes of their partner.

'Is he the one?'

'Is she the one?'

Both of them thought the same thing!

The man brought his face closer, intending to kiss the seductive and alluring lips. Knowing her savior's intention, the girl blushed and closed her eyes, waiting for the kiss to come.

On the other hand, our sweet snooper, who had been watching the magical accident, smiled happily seeing the new couple. He immediately put his drink away and enjoyed the scene before his eyes.

A little more... just a little more, and he would see them kiss!

The pervert snooper also pursed his lips because he was impatient with the man's slow advancedness.

'Come on, a little more.' screeched the snooper impatiently.

His eyes lit up when the distance between the lips of the new couple was about to meet, and he would see the passionate kiss he wanted so badly to see. But suddenly, his view changed in an instant.

Somehow his sight caught a humongous human body covering the scene of a couple who were about to make out.

No. It wasn't like the human would be a giant-like monster. This happened because he activated his golden eye to see far away, so when there was an object that is closer in front of his eyes, it looked double its size.

This person was irritated at the person who suddenly stood blocking his view. He normalized his eyesight to scold anyone who dared to disturb him. He would undoubtedly curse anyone and would utter harsh words.

But he swallowed his word back when he saw this person's platinum hair and bright blue eyes.

"You... you... how are you still alive?" asked the snooper nervously when he recognized the face of the person who was standing right in front of his desk. He even almost fell from his seat because of this unexpected guest.

"Long time no see, uncle Gale master." replied the blue-eyed man with a crooked smile.

"Uncle? Ah... You're his son. You scared me!" The Gale master, aka the yellow king, stroked his chest in relief.

"Are you still afraid of my father?"


"Do I truly look like my father?"

"No. You don't look alike at all." Gale grumbled like a child, making Vasili chuckle. "The last time I met you was when you were ten. That means it has been eighty... or ninety years since we've met. Have you met your soulmate yet?"

"I've found her. Are you worried about me, uncle?"

"Tch! Hey! I'm still eighteen years old! Don't call me uncle! Besides, how did you recognize me?"

The yellow king's physical body was indeed still eighteen years old, but the truth was that the yellow king had the memories of all the bodies he had lived in. This makes the yellow king has the most insight into the history of the most widely compared to other rulers of nature.

If other rulers inherit their power legacy to a baby, the yellow king inherited his power in a different way. His power represented the autumn season. Once he falls in love with someone, the power within his body would fade over time. And this power would search another toddler's body as the new host.

And by chance, the yellow king had met the former blue king about a century ago. At that time, the current blue king was ten and was still learning to master his cold energy.

So it wouldn't be surprising if the yellow king still remembered what the blue king looked like before. However, it was astonishing how the current blue king recognized him and immediately knew that he was the yellow king.

Isn't his face very different now? The yellow king was known to reborn the most frequently. If the generation of blue kings was the smallest due to their immortal age, the generation of yellow kings was the largest.

"You activated your powers for that couple, so I recognized you right away."

Hearing that, the yellow king just shook his head in resignation. How could he know there was another ruler nearby when he activated his power?

"Do you know them? Why are you acting as a cupid for them?"

"I don't know them. But my brother fell in love with that girl. Mom and I don't like that bitch, so I paired it with that person. If someone had already claimed her, the girl wouldn't approach my brother."

Now it was Vasili who shook his head. "I thought we were prohibited from meddling in human affairs."

"Hey! We can interfere in family matters. I want my brother to find a woman who is worthy of him. Not that kind of bitch."

Hearing this, Vasili laughed amusedly. "Then, will you help me?"

"Hmph! Why should I help you? You're not my family."

"Let's make a bet. If I can enter your astral world, you must help me. Besides, you owe my father a debt."

The yellow king became speechless hearing this. He knew the former blue king had a shameless character, but who would have thought that the son of the blue king was even more shameless!