Ch. 29 Alexis's Outspoken

When Mr. Zyg adopted Alexsei into his family, Alexsei was only eight years old, while Vasili was sixteen. Or at least that was what Vasili wanted people to believe.

In the past, Vasili tried to be a good brother because he was an only child, and having a younger brother made him very happy.

At first, Alexsei also enjoyed the presence of an older brother, and the two of them were pretty close. Until one day, Alexsei somehow found out that Vasili was not related by any blood to the Peskhov family, making Alexsei's attitude change.

Vasili was just an outsider adopted by Lord Zygfried Peskhov, while Alexsei was still related by blood because he was the son of Zigfried's younger sister.

Both of his parents died while traveling abroad. The plane they were on board had an accident, and all the passengers died, and no one survived.

At first, Alexsei didn't think much of it and was still close to Vasili. But over time, he became jealous and disliked Vasili even more.

Their adoptive father, Lord Peskhov, treated Vasili very differently from him. Zigfried often scolded him, advising him like a teacher explaining a lengthy discussion. He felt that Zyg was favoritism and did not consider him at all.

Since then, Alexsei has avoided Vasili. He was even cold towards his adoptive brother. At that time, Vasili was confused by the change in his brother's attitude but decided not to care.

Why should he try to get close to someone if that person doesn't like him? So Vasili no longer approaches Alexsei or acts like a big brother.

It was precisely because of this, the gap between them was widening so that nothing could ever cover it.

Alexsei's hatred escalated when Zyg announced that his heir rights would fall to Vasili.

Alexsei did not know that Vasili had refused it. Vasili did not need the assets or massive fortune of the Peskhov. He had his own fortune from his parents, so why took something that not his?

Zygfried gave the reason why he deliberately announced Vasili, who got the inheritance. He hoped Alexsei would change and prove that he was a much better successor than Vasili once Alexsei heard the news.

Having a healthy competitive spirit was great for motivating someone to fulfill his ambition.

All the teachings, upbringing, and wise advice of Zygfried have been taught to Alexsei. Now it remained how the man applied it to real life.

Unbeknown to them, Alexsei's heart has been blinded with hatred. He had decided to do everything he could to get rid of Vasili from the rightful heir position.

Alexsei didn't even care about his only child left by his late wife. He entered the dark world by clubbing, gambling, and playing with women. He followed how the leadership of the mafia in power used to gain unlimited connections.

Everyone who lived in the Peskhov residence knew about his clubbing activity. They knew Alexsei had forgotten about his only son.

"Of course I love you. You are my son!"

Vasili shook his head in disappointment. Only because Alexsei was detained in this room, he remembered his son. Because Vasili accompanied Alexis, who wanted to meet his father, that insane man admit he had a son.

Then what about before? Vasili was not sure Alexsei had ever thought about Alexis for a second before Vasili's men forcibly brought the man home.

"Then why not act like my father?" stated Alexis in an icy tone, making Vasili dumbfounded. The boy didn't even smile at all like usual.

Is this Alexis? Alexis, who usually smiles cheerfully and often pout adorably?

"The father I know was someone who does not care about power. The father I remember was the person who always prioritized me as his son. I don't understand why you changed. Is it because mother was no longer with us? Or is it because you know that Uncle Vasili was not an ordinary person? Or is it because grandpa put favoritism on uncle and left more of his inheritance to uncle than you?"


Vasili, who also heard him, stood in his place. He had no idea that Alexis, who was still so young, could utter a series of statements that a child shouldn't say.

Vasili has long suspected the cause of Alexsei's change. That man felt threatened ever since he knew that Vasili was not blood-related.

But he did not think that Alexsei would hate him more because of the inheritance issue. And Alexsei believed that Zyg put his favoritism on him worsened his hatred.

He shouldn't change his name to the Peskhov family. He should refuse when Zygfried offered him to be his adoptive son when he decided to change his identity.

If only he used another identity, would it be different?

"I only want my old father—a loving father who gave no care what people say. I don't care whether Uncle Vasili is an ordinary person or not. What I know is, Uncle Vasili is not a bad person. He is like a father figure for me. So, please don't accuse people. Please don't make me hate you. You don't know how hard grandpa and uncle tried to make me not hate you."


"Grandpa and uncle Vasili never said it. But I know they are also worried about you. They never abandon you and help you whenever you had a problem. Isn't that right?"


As if he had stabbed thousands of knives into his heart, Alexsei could not refute his son's words. Vasili, who was still standing at the end of the room, looked at Alexis with a look full of admiration.

Jeez! This boy had just turned ten this year but could think like an adult man. His way of thinking was collected, and there was no emotion in his voice. There was no resentment nor irritation. But his tone was hopeful, sympathetic, and also full of affectionate.

Seeing a little Alexis like this, Vasili couldn't imagine how Alexis would grow up to be someone who only aims to destroy the life of a family?

He couldn't comprehend how the kind and wise Alexis could turn into a vengeful person.

Now Vasili could see the child's ocean-like blue eyes. This boy inherited his grandfather's intelligent and clearheaded mind.

Vasili smiled widely while hoping that this time, Alexis could grow well. This time there was neither hatred nor grudge against Alexis' heart during his growth. He will make sure of it.

"Father, I'll be waiting for you. I will wait for you to return to like before. When it comes, I want us to celebrate Christmas together. Together with grandpa and uncle."

Only after that, Alexis walked away and came out of his father's room. When he turned his back on his father, Alexis had tears in his eyes, and it was clear that his lips were trembling.

Only Vasili could see what Alexis's expression was like. Little Alexis had endured a lot of grief. The child deserves his happiness.

No. Vasili wanted Alexis to be happy.

But... could he let Chleo go and fall into Alexis's arms? If only the two met again and fell in love with each other... could he let it happen?

When that time came, he would ask the violet king for help once again. This time he wanted the violet king to erase his memories of Chleora. That way, he wouldn't do anything that would torture Chleo and separate the lovebirds.


Various loud voices interrupted Vasili's reverie and brought him back to reality. Vasili was still in Alexsei's room and quite surprised to hear the thundering voice.

It seemed... Alexsei had a mental breakdown and went crazy. Vasili realized he couldn't help his ex-adoptive brother anymore.