Ch. 32 I'll Rewrite The Star For You

They smiled with satisfaction when they saw the weird-haired stranger stop when he saw the sharp object in their hands.

"If you don't want to die, you better get out of here."


"You think he understands our language? It looks like he's not a local."

Yet that person surprised them all by speaking their language so fluently.

"Leave the child there if you still want to live." stated that platinum-haired man in a cold demeanor.

The kidnappers didn't know this person and thought they could beat this man alone, so they laughed scornfully.

"Let's kill him and get out of here."

As if getting a cue from the leader, they simultaneously walked over to this mysterious person while grinning.

A second later, this person's blue eyes shone brilliantly, followed by a white mist from behind him moving towards them all.

This mist was not an ordinary mist but a cold vapor that could freeze the ground which this mist passed. This cold vapor was so thick that it made everyone unable to see what was in front of them.

"This isn't ordinary fog!" one exclaimed when someone felt cold temperatures in excess of ice.

Bug! Bug!

One by one, this mysterious guy uprooted Chleo's kidnappers with a single touch of their chest. This person froze their hearts and killed them in an instant!

After no one else is in his way, this mysterious person walked closer to the unconscious little girl.

Gently and attentively, this person took the tiny body out of the car and picked her up. This person looked at the little girl with a thousand emotions.

There were feelings of relief, joy, sadness, and also… full of regret gathered into one in his deep blue eyes.

"I'll rewrite the star for you." was his promise to the unconscious little girl.

After that, he snapped his fingers to go to his astral place.

Once at his astral place, Vasili untied the girl's mouth and hands. There were red marks on her wrists and abrasions on the corners of the girl's lips.

Vasili gently stroked the red marks and abrasions while channeling his energy. The next instant, the red scars, and wounds disappeared, showing smooth, flawless skin as if it had never been bound by anything.

"I'm sorry I made you suffer. This time, I'll get it right. I will not force you, nor will I separate you from your family."

Vasili brought Chleo to the front of the courtyard of his house. He let his feet become the child's pillow so that the child could sleep comfortably.

Like when he first met Chleora in Seattle. At that time, the girl was drunk, and without her permission, he took her home. All night long, he stared at the girl's face without feeling bored. Even after being friends with that girl for months, Vasili didn't feel bored either. In fact, he felt more and more longing every time they didn't see each other.

It was the same now. Vasili didn't feel bored seeing a face that looks more charming on Chleora's tiny face. He brushed the child's hair gently, feeling the smoothness of the beautiful black with slightly brownish hair. He had always wanted to caress Chleo, wanted to spoil her, and wanted to shower her with his love. But the girl was always cold to him and avoided him. In the end, he could only keep his feelings in loneliness.

That's why he didn't waste this opportunity. He wanted to pour out his love for her before Chleo fell into another man's arms. Unfortunately, the white eagle came to bother him.

"The red queen came and was accidentally hit by your active energy," said Falcon, the white eagle.

"Go ask the yellow king for help. I want to enjoy my time with her before her parents return."

Falcon shook his head in resignation before flapping his two wings to go in search of the yellow king.

Vasili still gently brushed the girl's hair with his fingers without taking his eyes off the girl's cute and beautiful face. She had perfect eyebrows, curvy lashes, a sharp nose, and pretty thin lips.

This child's face didn't change at all. Just like the first time he met her at the small bar.

At that time, he felt an attraction to enjoy his wife's sweet lips. At this time, he... had no interest in touching small children. But at least he knows... the affection he has was still the same as before.

"Who would have thought you manage to steal my heart all over again even when you're this small."

The girl started stirring in her sleep not long after that, and her eyelashes fluttered, indicating she was awake. Vasili instantly took his hand away from the girl's hair.

The first thing Chleo saw when she was awake was a pair of blue eyes looking at her warmly.

Who is this person?

A memory about the kidnapping incident flashed in the little girl's mind. She remembered bad guys tied her hand and beat her uncle's wife. Chleora gasped in horror and dashed away to avoid the stranger.

She looked frightened and hurriedly looked for a place to hide without knowing her actions made a certain heart stabbed by thousand arrows.

Please. Please don't avoid me anymore. Begged Vasili deeply in his heart.