Ch. 40 The Birthday Present

If he could be honest, Vasili craved to see the child's growth. He longed to see Chleo's childhood. Now Vasili began to regret that he had agreed to the conditions set by the time master at that time.

He thought it wouldn't be hard to follow the term, but now after listening to little Chleo's wish and how welcome the little girl toward him, Vasili barely could control his desire to be with this girl.

Can he violate the terms? Can he go to America by plane?

He remembered that he had tried to teleport to America. No matter how hard he tried, his body wouldn't move to America as if something was holding him back from leaving. He still hadn't tried getting there by plane, but Vasili doubted he would make it to New York airport given nature's stringent regulations.

In the end, Vasili decided to wait. That was his price to go back in twenty-year time.

Besides, if Chleo looked at him more often, the girl would be suspicious of his unaged face. Her family would also be wary and against their relationship. Especially Vincent.

He knew Chleo's father was very overprotective when it came to his family. It would be extremely hard to deceive the father that he was not the Vasili Peskhov who once met him a dozen years ago.

"Ice Prince? Can you come on my birthday, please?" Chleo's pleading voice brought him back to reality.

"Uhm... I don't know if I can come or not." Vasili's reply crushed Chleo's spirit and hopeful gaze. The corners of Vasili's lips twitched as he tried to contain his amused smile. "But, I will give you a present on every birthday. How is it?"

Chleo widened her eyes in surprise. "Really? So you will come every my birthday?"

"You can say that. But you won't be able to see me."

"Then how would I know you were coming?" Chleo pursed her lips forward like she usually does when she's sulking.

Vasili laughed, amused at the child's sullen face but looked very adorable. This kid was so adorable, totally different from what he had expected.

"Give me your hand."

Chleo tilted her head, not understanding why her ice prince asked for her hand. She complied nonetheless and let Vasili hold her hand. Chleo felt like her hands were covered with ice making her smile happily.

She especially liked the strange cold temperature covering her hands for some reason. How she wishes she could be with her Ice Prince for a long time.

Not long after, Vasili waved his hand, causing white snow-like light to appear and scatter over the grass.

Seconds later, a pile of lovely white winter aconite flowers appeared.

"Woah..." once again, Chleo was amazed at what her ice prince had just done. It felt like her ice prince had many things up to his sleeves to surprise her.

"I will grow this flower on your every birthday. That way, you will know that I am always with you."

"Every on my birthday? Promise?" Chleo showed her pinky finger at Vasili, inviting an amused smile from the man.

"I promise." Vasili hooked his finger towards Chleo's, which was much smaller in size.

"Then when can we meet?"

Vasili was truly amazed by the efforts of this child, who did not give up asking him to meet her. It seemed like the little girl was more eager to meet him again than he did her. Her nature was entirely different from the Chleo he knew.

Or maybe the same... Vasili would never know the answer. He didn't have a chance to recognize the girl because Chleora had always avoided him.

"You will recognize me on your 21st birthday. If you're still willing to meet me, I'll be waiting at the place where we first met."

"Huh??" Chleo tilted her head, not understanding what her ice prince was talking about.

What is this person talking about? Had she met the ice prince before? When? Where? That's how various kinds of questions filled her little brain.

"What kind of place do you mean? Have we met before?"

Vasili's ocean-like blue eyes softened at the little girl's questions. However, one could detect the unexplainable sadness that filled those blue eyes.

How could he not be sad? He remembered all his actions that caused Chleo's life to suffer and cannot be fully happy. If nature allowed it, he hoped Chleo would never remember her past life.

But, nature wanted this child to remember everything. Vasili didn't know if Chleo still wanted to see him or not after her memories of her previous life returned.

"You will know it later. Come on. I can't stay in the sun for more than two hours. I have to make sure you reunite with your family soon." Vasili continued as he rose to his feet and gently pulled the girl's hand back to walk.

In order to lift the girl's mood, Vasili initiated a discussion about Chleo's favorite animal. The little girl was excited to share about her pet in her house.

The Regnz family had an adorable puppy. Its nature was precisely the same as Chleora.

It had enormous energy and was consistently energetic. Sometimes they didn't want to obey, and they just always want to play.

Vasili laughed at Chleora's story and occasionally responded to the child attentively. Even though it felt short, the time they spent together was enough to fill the empty hole in Vasili's heart.

After talking so cheerfully and seeing the endless laughter on little Chleo's face, Vasili felt the risk he took to change the past was well worth it.

'I love you. In this world, I will only love you no matter whether you will love someone else or hate me.'

Vasili wanted to express his feelings that he had not had time to tell his wife. One day, he wanted to have a chance to say it. However, when that time came, he hoped that Chleo would have the same feelings as him and said, 'I love you too.'

>>>>> From author

I'm sorry didn't update these days but will try to update regularly. For now will update 3 times in a week, which is Monday (today), Wednesday, and Friday. I will not up asides from those three days so please be patient and understanding.

Hope you enjoy the chapter

Happy reading! XD