Ch. 78 Editted Video

Mr. Travon looked reluctant to see the video that had already started playing. If he could, he hoped he wouldn't have to penalize Chleo. But now that after watching the video for a while, his eyes started to show interested.

"Are you sure the person in this video is the main culprit who damages your belongings?"

"Yes, sir. I'm pretty sure Chleo is the one."

"Okay. Wait a moment. Hey, Mr. Ang, take a look at this." Mr. Trevon's call confused Ashley.

But Ashley wasn't too bothered by it. In fact, she was more than delight if Mr. Ang joined in.

Mr. Ang was a literature professor who has long dedicated his work to this campus. Besides being an instructor, Mr. Ang was also one of the heads benefactors.

That's why Mr. Ang also has the right to decide on giving a light penalty to a student. He even could directly expel a student without the need for approval from the Chancellor.