Ch. 80 Banned Chleo

First minute: Thump, thump, thump

Second minute: Thump, thump, thump

Third minute: Thump, thump, thump





The tenth minute: Thump, thump, thump

Why? Why? Why?

Even though she had waited ten minutes, why didn't her heartbeat subside???

Chleo felt her body burning even though the weather was freezing because soon they would enter winter. Ever since she heard that Max would pick her up tomorrow, Chleo's heart seemed never to get tired of racing fast.

Very weird. What's wrong with her? Does she have a fever?

Chleo opened the window of her house wide so that the cold air hit her heated body. Even though the cold air hit her, it still couldn't relieve the heat on her face.

In the end, she walked around the room, jumping up and down incoherently. She thought maybe her heartbeat would subside if her body felt exhausted.