Ch. 103 Upside Down Magazine

Precisely at half-past eight in the evening, Chleo managed to complete the final design drawing. She stretched her muscles by pulling her hands up and straightening her back.

It felt like her body was sore.

"It's finished?" a charming baritone voice nearby made her skipped a beat.

The instant Chleo remembered that she was at Max's house, Chleo felt jittery again.

"Yeah, it's done," he answered almost in a whisper.

Ever since Max's attitude became more advance towards her, Chleo couldn't calm down. Her heart kept pounding like a train moving at high speed.

"Dietrich will be here soon. Let's eat first."

Dietrich? Why did Dietrich come here? Does Dietrich live here too?

"I called him here. That way, we can immediately hand over the design you've remade to him."

That's right. It would be much better if Chleo directly gave it to Dietrich as CEO of Daphnia Fashion. She didn't need to be afraid of being careless again and lose it.