Ch. 120 Reason Behind The Threat

Diego ate pringles in the corner of the room, refusing to be close to Yuna, who was now flanked by his two curious sisters. Dietrich and Max sat nearby and let the girls enjoyed their talk.

Max and Dietrich were not people who liked to start a conversation first. Both preferred to remain silent if nothing was interesting to discuss.

This was precisely what made Diego feel awkward and discomfort. Diego himself was not one to be silent. He likes to tell stories and talk a lot, but these two quiet men sat next to him like statues.

Diego sighed and decided he was the first to speak. After all, it seemed that Dietrich and Evie would end up in the marriage, especially considering that their two families had given each other their blessing. Sooner or later, Dietrich would become part of the family. Diego tried to familiarize himself with a man who was almost seven years ahead of him.

"Shall we play a game?"