Ch. 131 Boarding The Plane

They all left for the airport the following day at nine in the morning. There were thirty-eight people in total, and all of them were excited to have fun at the Flex group's newest resort in Honolulu.

Their car went straight through the main route to the privacy runway because they would board a private plane.

This plane was the largest jet plane ever. It has five separate bedrooms and could accommodate at least 50 people, and the distance between them was still free.

"Have you ever been on a private plane belonging to Mr. Regnz?" Leon Wu, Lina's husband, asked his wife.

"Not yet."

"Why are you so curious?" inquired Leon's twin brother, who was Lizzy's husband.

"Aren't you curious too, dear?" Lizzy teased her husband while gently stroking his husband's curls.

Lyon Wu just sighed. "I'm curious but not too much. We're in the present in both of the Regnz and the Alvianc. Am I the only one who is nervous here?"